Category: Federal Issues

Leftist Authoritarians Push Their Values By Any Means Necessary

Written by Robert Knight

Last Thursday, Joe Biden dropped the hammer on “the unvaxed,” ordering large companies and government agencies to force employees to get the shots or face weekly tests.  Thus, he broke yet another pledge – never to make the shots mandatory.

If a reporter ever bothers to question him about the edict’s constitutionality, he can recycle Nancy Pelosi’s response regarding whether Obamacare was constitutional: “Are you kidding? Are you kidding?”

While the nation reels in the grip of authoritarians who love coercion, only one side is consistently accused of imposing its values on others.… Continue Reading

Widening Reality Gap Between Biden’s Elites And The ‘Working Class’

Written by Robert Knight

“Republicans finally have an issue on which they can legitimately criticize President Biden.”


Thus wrote “conservative” Washington Post columnist Max Boot about Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan disaster.  This implies that Mr. Boot has only now discovered a chink in Joe’s media-sealed, invisible armor.

Mr. Boot and like-minded elites are a bit disturbed by the Afghanistan debacle. But they are apparently fine with Mr. Biden’s sending gasoline prices soaring and abandoning the defense of our southern border.… Continue Reading

America Needs Judges to Stand Up for Religious Liberty and Constitutional Rights

Written by Liberty McArtor and Jorge Gomez

The Left is doubling down in its attempt to stage a U.S. Supreme Court Coup by packing America’s courts with hundreds of liberal judges, arguing that doing so will “restore balance” to the courts and better serve Americans.

But although proponents of court-packing demand a higher quantity of judges, what Americans really need are quality judges committed to upholding the Constitution—without politics swaying their judicial rulings.

Standing out as a quality judge on our federal courts is Judge James C.Continue Reading

Jimmy Carter Is Redeemed

Written by R. Emmett Tyrell

Looking back on the contradictory pronunciamentos uttered by President Joe Biden so solemnly over the last few months on the subject of Afghanistan, what has struck me is how inane they show him to be. When he was affirming that everything in Kabul, Afghanistan, was hunky-dory or when he was sounding the alarm, he was inane. His statements were vacuous. How did this man become president of the United States?

Oh, I know he was up against an amazingly weak field of candidates.… Continue Reading

Yes, The Resistance is Growing

Written by Robert Knight

Before we get to the more upbeat portion of this column, here’s a brief recap of what we’re facing.

Democrats are ramming through a multi-trillion-dollar socialist agenda and hope to kill voter ID laws and other state election safeguards to usher in a one-party government, for starters.

Republicans are trying to decide whether to be at least a speed bump to this coup or to bask in the glow of media praise for “bipartisanship.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: You Shall Not Bake Cake And SCOTUS Packing

Written by David E. Smith

This week, Illinois Family Spotlight focuses on current issues regarding religious freedom and the U.S. judicial system. To start the podcast, Monte Larrick interviews well-known Colorado baker and cake artist, Jack Phillips and general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, Kristen Waggoner.

Phillips describes the persecution and targeting he has endured at the hands of the LGBT faction in his ongoing battle for religious freedom within the context of his business.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Baleful Border Betrayal

Written by David Limbaugh

Is there anything the left won’t blame on their fantastical scapegoat, climate change? Don’t bet on it. Their latest dodge is blaming the border crisis, which they created, on the climate crisis, which they invented.

A Politico article is headlined, “It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis.” That’s a convenient twofer. Never let an opportunity to blame a crisis on climate change go to waste. Well played.

But to the left, I guess the border catastrophe isn’t a crisis.… Continue Reading

The Biden Administration is Making Illegal Aliens a Superior Class Over Citizens

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution establishes the purpose of the government: to provide for the common defense and secure the blessings of liberty. Today, we have a government that subverts the common defense of the people, for whom they also abrogate the blessings of liberty. Americans are treated like criminals for exercising basic civil rights during the new COVID regime, while illegal aliens who invaded our border are being invited back at taxpayer expense!… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Not the Working Class Party

Written by Walker Wildmon

For years, we’ve been told that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class. Democrats have traditionally been associated with the workers’ unions and government programs that are aimed at assisting middle- to low-income families. I would submit to you that this association is built on faulty ground.

Democratic elected officials in Washington have made a few major policy decisions that have had tremendous negative effects on middle-to low-income families.… Continue Reading

Kamala Harris Just Keeps Getting Worse

Written by David Limbaugh

No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term.

Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of Biden’s mental decline is an impairment of judgment that manifests itself in such reckless decisions as putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It is like making a colicky infant the goalie of a professional hockey team.… Continue Reading