Category: Faith & Religion

George Washington Taken from the Heights

Written by Michael Curtis

By Jove, by Jing, by George is the thing!  Can we say it isn’t so?  We thought we knew Washington.  As the proverb says, a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.  It’s taken some time for the truth to be revealed, though no doubt a special counsel searching for less in good names would have taken even longer to find out whether, among other things, the father of the United States was in collusion with the Russians.  … Continue Reading

Fake News and the Death of Christianity

Written by Mike Konrad

Mark Twain, quoting Disraeli, once said “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” So it has been with the recent story that White Christians are a minority, To paraphrase Twain again, the reports of Christianity’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

The headline was framed as if America was becoming outright pagan.

Buried deep inside the story was this admission:

Christians of all races and denominations still make up nearly 70 percent of the U.S.

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Mud-Slinging, Left-Wing SPLC on the Defense

Written by Peter Gemma

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims to be a watchdog over “hate groups and racial extremists throughout the United States.” But perhaps the SPLC is a radical left-wing organization itself, with an extremist agenda of its own.

According to a June 21, 2017 article in the Wall Street Journal,

“Aided by a veneer of objectivity, the SPLC rightly condemns groups like the Ku Klux Klan and New Black Panther Party, but it has managed to blur the lines, besmirching mainstream groups like the Family Research Council, as well as people such as social scientist Charles Murray and Somali-born Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a critic of Islamic extremism.”

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Mainstream Conservatives Are On CNN’s “Hate Group” List

Written by Jordan Schachtel

CNN has published a list of “hate groups” currently operating in the United States, relying on an extremely partisan analysis from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Several truly extremist groups populate the list, such as the Ku Klux Klan, New Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and others.

But along with the neo-Nazi and Islamic extremist groups on the list, the SPLC has lumped in as “hate groups” mainstream, well-known conservative individuals and organizations who merely speak out about the threat of radical Islam.… Continue Reading

Church Pastor Refuses to Compromise; His Critics Ignore 2,000-year-old Doctrine

Written by John Biver

“What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.”
~Ecclesiastes 1:9

A person might be tempted to think that “news stories” contain things that are “new.”

Here is reporter Mike Rowe at WGN news in Chicago:

Demonstrators flocked to one of the South Side’s largest churches Sunday morning after its pastor removed a woman from the congregation because of her same-sex wedding.

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Why the Left Protects Islam

Written by Ben Shapiro

Richard Dawkins is no friend to conservatives. The atheist author has spent much of his life deriding Judaism and Christianity. He once stated, “An atheist is just somebody who feels about Yahweh the way any decent Christian feels about Thor or Baal or the golden calf.” Dawkins says that even moderate religious people “make the world safe for extremists.” He’s far to the left on politics: He’s pro-abortion rights, and a supporter of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats in Britain.… Continue Reading

Willful Ignorance: House Rejects Rep. Franks’ Proposal to Study Islam

By Robert Spencer

By nine votes, 217 to 208, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted down a proposal to identify “Islamic religious doctrines, concepts or schools of thought” that jihad terrorists use.

Twenty Republicans joined the solid Democratic bloc to vote down this measure, which Muslim Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) termed “wrongheaded” and fought hard to defeat. It’s hard to believe that there would be 217 votes against understanding the ideology that motivates and incites jihad violence, but that testifies to the power of the “Islamophobia” victimhood lobby today.

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Has America Passed the Point of No Return?

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Is it too late for America? Are the nation’s best days behind us? Can our sickly country be saved?

On July 1, 2016, conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza sent out an email titled, “On The Brink Of Losing America Forever,” and it certainly feels that we are that close. But have we passed the point of no return?

We could all point to a virtual mountain of sins and crimes that are rampant in our country, including the killing of more than 55 million babies in the womb.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The American Miracle and Common Core

Written by Benjamin Smith

Monte Larrick had the pleasure of interviewing radio talk show host, historian and bestselling author Michael Medved about his new book The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic.  Michael offers his thoughts on the intervening role that God has played in America’s founding and rise to prominence. He persuasively points out that America is a product of design, not luck or happenstance. His radio program is nationally syndicated and featured on Salem Radio Network live every weekday afternoon (2-5 PM), and in the Chicago area on WIND (AM 560) every weeknight between 10PM and 1 AM.… Continue Reading

Freedom’s Hope is Found on the Shoulders of Our Lord

Written by James Robison

Our nation was born out of a deep desire for true freedom that was inspired by those determined to have freedom of religion. This nation was born because believers prayed. This nation became prosperous and powerful because believers served.

And this nation only moves forward if the faithful stay engaged.

America’s future hope and the preservation of freedom depend upon the transforming power of gospel truth demonstrated and delivered by Spirit-filled believers.… Continue Reading