Pastor James Pittman Jr.
The 101st Illinois General Assembly has adjourned and the results are in. The state of Illinois is a moral disaster and about to get worse. Our lawmakers seem to be doing everything in their power to encourage and facilitate evil and debauchery. This legislation has the full support of Governor JB Pritzker, and further institutionalizes lying, vice, addictions, greed, corruption and bloodshed.
However, if we conservative Christians are honest with ourselves, we cannot simply place all the blame on our lawmakers. … Continue Reading
Written by Benjamin Smith
Our guest on this edition of Spotlight is Pastor Doug Wilson of Moscow, Idaho. Pastor Wilson recently spoke at the fifth annual IFI Worldview Conference which focused on “trans” ideology. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the cultural/creation mandate, the genesis of worldliness, socialism (especially as it relates to the decline and failure of public schools), the value of a classical, Christian education and the growing LGBTQ agenda in government schools, appropriate responses to liberal overreach and civil disobedience.… Continue Reading
Written by Rev. Calvin Lindstrom
I am a pastor and board member of Illinois Family Action (IFA). I am happy to serve with IFA because I believe that Christian principles have an application for politics and society. Man’s main problem is not political. All men and women enter the world as sinners and need a Savior and salvation. The main thrust of God’s Word is to show the only way of salvation that is found in Jesus Christ, but God’s Word also gives guidance and direction to families and civil governments.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Bob Morgan, Daniel Didech, Democratic Party, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Jonathan Carroll, Kelly M. Cassidy, Robyn Gabel, Sam Yingling, Sara Feigenholtz, Teri Paulson, Will Guzzardi, Yehiel M. Kalish
Faith & Religion, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith | April 2, 2019 1:00 PM | Comments Off on Truth and Love or Hate?
Written by Benjamin Smith
In this episode of Spotlight we are honored by the presence of the Reverend Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor emeritus of the Moody Church in Chicago.
Dr. Lutzer joins hosts Monte Larrick and David Smith to give an inviting preview of an upcoming speaking engagement which will feature his self-described legacy book, “The Church in Babylon: Heeding the Call to Be a Light in the Darkness.” Drawing parallels between the Jews in captivity in Babylon and the present-day Church besieged by worldly culture, Dr.… Continue Reading
Written by Joshua Charles
The Founding Fathers believed one thing was absolutely essential to a free society: virtue. Sometimes the term they used was “self-government.”
What did it mean? Informed by thousands of years of philosophy and theology, first with Greeks like Aristotle, and later by Christian theologians such as Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas, the Founders understood “virtue” to be behavior (more specifically, habits) in accordance with the good—which both Aristotle and Aquinas, among others, defined as behaving according to “right reason.”… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
Without public morality, government must grow.
When government grows, freedoms contract. Freedom requires morality.
There’s a commonly understood, even if unspoken, rule for most opinion columnists, and that is: don’t read the comment section. It’s not that those forums can’t ever produce good thoughts or insightful observations. It’s that those sections are far more often havens for nameless trolls who are far more interested in name-calling and pejoratives than in seriously engaging the argument being made.… Continue Reading
Written by Benjamin Smith
This week on Spotlight, the Rev. Dr. Eric Wallace returns to join Monte Larrick and David Smith for an important conversation on a destructive divide in our society and in the Church. As the co-founder and president of Freedom’s Journal Institute for the Study of Faith and Public Policy, Dr. Wallace reveals two exciting projects that are in the works with FJI: Racism in America and the Role of the Church and Repent Chicago.… Continue Reading
Written by Peter Heck
The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome begins with an indictment of the corruption surrounding them that is chilling in its parallels to contemporary American society. If you doubt me, go read Romans 1, verses 21 through 32, and just try to pretend it isn’t as though Paul is writing a response to our frontpage headlines.
I find myself being drawn back to this passage nearly every time I go to write on the most recent pop culture trend or societal debacle brought on by Orwellian-named progressivism. … Continue Reading
Tags: False Teachers, gender confusion, Gender Dysphoria, Jim Wallis, non-binary, Peter Heck, Stephens College, Transgender
Faith & Religion, LGBTQ Agenda | David E. Smith | January 4, 2019 7:00 AM | Comments Off on What Can a Christian Do When Up is Down, Right is Wrong, Regressive is Progressive, Boy is Girl?
Written by T.R. Clancy
Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been “ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony.” For a while now, Nancy Pelosi’s been the country’s expert on morality (e.g., border wall: immoral; abortion on demand: moral). She’s now taken to telling the country how much she prays, and she’s urging others to do it, too – at least that old sinner, Donald Trump.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, Cardinal Egan, Catholic, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Kermit Gosnell, King Solomon, Little Sisters of the Poor, Meet the Press, MS-13, Nancy Pelosi, Pope Benedict, Roe v. Wade, Ross Douthat, Tom Brokaw, Tom Perez, Tucker Carlson
Faith & Religion, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith | December 20, 2018 7:00 AM | Comments Off on The Gospel According to Nancy: No Borders, Kill Babies