Category: Climate Change

The Green New Deal: Myths and Migraines

Written by Dr. Daniel Boland

The Green New Deal (GND) is the Democrat Party’s latest version of the American Dream. The GND is a lengthy list of radical proposals for total transformation of our culture, our economy, our health care and educational systems, our environmental conditions, and on and on.

The GND expands government incomprehensively. No more carbon-spewing airplanes. High-speed rail will take us everywhere. Government-administered universal health care for all but no private insurance (so wait your turn).… Continue Reading

Why the ‘Green New Deal’ Should Be Painted Red

Written by Robert Knight

People keep talking about how much Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” would cost.

Trillions and trillions. But that’s not the point.  It’s all about power.

The self-described Democratic Socialist from New York, is, like her sponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders, a communist in sheep’s clothing.

According to,  “She was recruited to run by Brand New Congress, a political action committee founded by former Sanders staffers, and her campaign was shaped by it, as well as by the DSA [Democratic Socialists of America].”… Continue Reading

Shutdown, Snowfall, and the Deep Freeze: Truth in a World of Climate Lies

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

In the midst of America’s recent government shutdown, a number of politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAl Gore, and John Kerry made extraordinary claims about the coming climate doomsday. Citing a recent climate report from the United Nations, they all made calls to save the Earth from climate doomsday.

Less than a week later, much of America’s upper Midwest and Chicago face the likelihood of all-time record lows, with life-threatening wind chills of minus 45 to minus 60 degrees Fahrenheit.… Continue Reading

Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide?

Written by Patrick Buchanan

After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.”

The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least five of the major Democratic candidates for president.

The Green New Deal is designed to recall the halcyon days of the 1930s, when, so the story goes, FDR came to Washington to enact the historic reforms that rescued America from the Great Depression.… Continue Reading

AOC Plan for America Is Causing Riots in France

Written by Jerry Newcombe

Paris is burning. That is because the new president of France has bought into the message of climate change alarmism—that man’s activities are wreaking all sorts of havoc on the earth. If we cut down on our consumption of fossil fuels and instead embrace so-called “green justice,” we have a fighting chance to curb the problem of climate change.

France is doing its part to fight against so-called climate change. They are imposing draconian taxes on the price of petrol.… Continue Reading

Wow! It’s Cold Outside!

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Fracking, Energy Renaissance, and the Russian Resistance: Why does it Matter for Developing Countries?

Written by Vjay Jayara

The U.S. sailed into an era of energy abundance following the natural gas boom. But the replication of the American energy story in other countries is facing a stern challenge from radical environmental groups.

Why is hydraulic fracturing important for developing countries and why should they be wary of radical environmental groups?

The shale gas boom in the U.S. has led to the American Energy Renaissance—a period of energy abundance from diverse sources such as shale gas, nuclear, coal, hydroelectric, renewables, petroleum, and others.… Continue Reading

The Green New Deal is a Trojan Horse for Socialism

Written by Jarrett Stepman

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ready to tax the rich to make her Green New Deal a reality.

“People are going to have to start paying their fair share in taxes,” the recently elected New York Democrat told TV show 60 Minutes in an interview set to air Sunday.

Speaking of prior decades’ taxation rates in the country, Ocasio-Cortez added, “Once you get to the tippy tops, on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent.”… Continue Reading

Pseudo-Green Leftism

Written by Bruce Walker

The left pretends to care about the environment.  It sounds as though Bernie Sanders is going to make this faux interest in protecting the environment a salient point of any 2020 presidential run.  In fact, leftism – both economic leftism and social leftism – is the primary cause of environmental problems.

Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, apparently missed the horrific destruction of nature under the Soviets, who were dramatically worse for the environment than the tsars.  

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Environmentalism, Pantheism, Statism and Pessimism

Written by David Limbaugh

Meaning no disrespect to climate alarmists of the past half-century, who have been quite formidable in their doomsday warnings, the modern era has ushered in a new wave of scaremongers who threaten to eclipse their predecessors.

This shouldn’t discourage the original enviro-wackos of the 1970s, who hadn’t accumulated sufficient empirical data to support their burgeoning secular religion. Give those people a break; how were they to know they’d have egg on their faces for predicting apocalyptic global cooling?… Continue Reading