Written by Robert Verbuggen
The center-right American Enterprise Institute and the center-left Brookings Institution have a new report about paid parental leave. The members of their working group disagreed about much, but they were able to put forward a compromise plan. In this plan, new mothers and fathers would be able to take eight weeks off, with 70 percent of their usual compensation paid to them by the government, up to $600 per week. The program would be funded by a small payroll tax on all workers.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Eno
A statistic from the U.K. election makes one realize how far from the people our own people’s house has gotten. The House of Commons has 650 members for a population of roughly 65 million in the U.K. That’s one member of parliament – on average – for every 100,000 people. The U.S. House of Representatives has one representative for every 759,000 people. Is it time to readjust the U.S. apportionment model to get our representatives closer to the people?… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Michael Brown
Imagine this scenario for a moment. You are a budding novelist, and you present a new proposal to your agent. The agent looks it over and sends it back, assuring you no publisher would ever go for it. “It’s just too far-fetched,” you are told. “Best to go back to the drawing board.”
What was the scenario you concocted? It went like this.
The Plot
There was a gay private in the army who gained access to a cachet of nearly one million secret military documents.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Michael Brown
At some point, leaders in the West will have to recognize that they share very little in common with the worldview of Islamic terrorists. At some point, they will have to take seriously Islamic theology and the mindset of a radical Muslim. At some point, they will have to come to grips with the fact that they cannot combat Islamic terrorism with tolerance.
In his significant new book, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology, Ibn Warraq writes, “There are many contemporary political commentators and intellectuals who do not accept what seems an obvious starting point in trying to explain the behavior of Islamic terrorists, namely their beliefs, their ideology as laid down in tract after tract, statement after statement, interview after interview, and book after book—books that are the careful work of Muslim scholars of Islam, lavishly sprinkled with quotes from the Koran, which is the very word of Allah, the hadīth (the sayings and deeds of Muhammad and his Companions), the sira (life of the Prophet), all used to justify their heinous acts, even against civilians, including women, children, and the old.”… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Eno
Which came first, the bias or the search results? That’s a question worth asking after reading a (PDF) by a group of researchers looking at how search results could have affected the 2016 election.
In a short paper presenting their preliminary work, the social scientists showed that search results from Google, in particular, showed bias toward Hillary Clinton in the month leading up to the election. The same scientists, in 2015 (PDF), that biased search results may sway the results of elections.… Continue Reading
Written by Bruce Walker
The decline and lurch to the left of the Fox News Network provides an opening for any astute conservative billionaire: create a news network specifically intended to provide news from the viewpoint of most of America, which is to say the seventy-five percent of Americans who live in Flyover Country. While the geographic concentration of political power in America is appalling, the geographic concentration of media power is much worse.
Because the media defy elections and, in fact, determine elections, having almost all national news pass through the tiny channel of the New York-to-Washington Beltway is toxic to our national life.… Continue Reading
Written by Jody Patterson
A “backlash” is simply a reaction to a situation, development, or political action, etc. A “backlash” maybe an adverse reaction but it can also be a just and right reaction. “Backlashes” should not have a negative connotation for all situations; at times they are warranted and needed to enact change or justice.
The liberal/progressive groups and the media selectively “backlash” and have knee-jerk reactions when it suits their agenda. It is nauseating to see liberals and the media discuss a potential backlash against Islam in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Written by Jack Hellner
Democrats are out ripping Trump’s budget and the replacement for ObamaCare, asserting that these policies will cause people to die.
For years Democrats have supported policies which force car makers to make smaller and lighter cars. Many studies have shown what obviously happens: people in small cars are more likely to die than those in larger and heavier cars. This is just common sense, but Democrats and the media have supported these policies anyway.… Continue Reading

Written by Rachel del Guidice
Over the past eight decades, Congress has gradually relinquished its lawmaking role and left it to the administrative state, said a conservative senator at a Capitol Hill event on Wednesday.
“Many Americans now feel that they are not in control of their own government,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said during an event hosted at the Federalist Society’s fifth annual Executive Branch Review Conference. “The administrative state is designed to be insulated from the will of the people.”… Continue Reading

Written by Patricia McCarthy
The national media and the Democratic Party have gone stark raving mad over President Trump’s election victory; they refuse to accept it. Their paroxysms of fury are evident all day long on every network and cable news outlet and every mainstream newspaper. Since Nov. 8, they have leapt like a swarm of remoras onto a whale proclaiming every little thing that they think might take the man down. Hillary’s team concocted the “Russia collusion” hoax within twenty-four hours of her defeat. … Continue Reading