Written by Michael Gryboski
Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards denounced Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment calling pregnancy an “inconvenience.”
In a speech delivered at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Richards spoke about the issues she had with Trump’s stated views on women and abortion.
“Donald Trump has pledged to appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and undo decades of progress. His policies aren’t just frightening — they’re rooted in a disturbing worldview,” said Richards.
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Written by Jeff Stein
Hillary Clinton may have won the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, but Bernie Sanders has still left an outsize mark on its future.
Back in July, Sanders won a string of concessions on the Democratic Party platform, pulling the party to the left on the minimum wage, environmental regulation, marijuana legalization, and the war on drugs.
“I think if you read the platform right now, you will understand that the political revolution is alive and kicking,” Sanders’s policy director, Warren Gunnels, told NBC News at the time, adding that campaign got “at least 80 percent” of what it wanted.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Michael Brown
Is it all politics, or does Hillary understand the incongruity of her statements on black babies?
I know that you and Mr. Clinton have been considered real friends of the African-American community to the point that, before President Obama’s election, your husband was jokingly referred to as the nation’s first black president.
I also know that you have identified proudly as an “old fashioned Methodist” and that you warmly welcomed a contingent of African-American pastors who laid hands on you and anointed you as the next president.… Continue Reading
Four years after releasing a video that called for Black Christians to leave the Democrat Party, Bishop E.W. Jackson is renewing that call, and calling for Black Americans to leave the Democrat Party. “After eight years of the first black President, the black community is worse off now than it was when he was elected. The Democrat Party has become nothing more than a metaphorical slave ship, holding black voters captive, taking them where they don’t want to go, while telling them they’re on a luxury cruise.… Continue Reading
Written by Thomas Sowell
If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong.
Political crusades, bureaucratic empires and lucrative personal careers as grievance mongers have been built on the foundation of that assumption, which is almost never tested against any facts.
A recent article in the New York Times saw as a problem the fact that females are greatly under-represented among the highest rated chess players.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
This is a great series by Dennis Prager outlining the basic information more Americans need to hear. Enjoy.
Many people – including those who keep up with politics – cannot articulate the differences between the Left and the Right in a way that is fair and objective. In this five-part video series, Dennis Prager does exactly that. In under 30 minutes, you’ll understand the essential differences between the two.
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How big should the government be?… Continue Reading
Written by Myron Magnet
After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.
The keynote of America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans ever since the first slave was brought here in the 1640s.… Continue Reading
Written by Billy Davis and Steve Jordahl
A variety of advocates for conservative causes are watching closely as the Republican Party completes a draft of its official party platform.
Platform committee members met Monday and Tuesday in Cleveland to finalize the party’s stance on immigration, military readiness, and other issues that will be put before convention delegates for a final vote.
Many of the debated topics were hot-button social issues, including abortion and traditional marriage.
“Emerging Republican platform goes far to the right,” a headline at the reliably liberal New York Times declared earlier this week.… Continue Reading
Written by Matthew Vadum
The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.
The group claims the principal enemies of the American people are presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, conservatives like David Horowitz, and the Tea Party movement.
The SPLC is a shamelessly hypocritical leftist attack machine funded by radical speculator George Soros and a rogue’s gallery of rich people and established philanthropies that want to fundamentally transform America.… Continue Reading
Written by Kelsey Harkness
The story of the former Atlanta fire chief who was fired from his job after publishing a book that addressed marriage and sexuality from a biblical perspective took center stage at a hearing Tuesday on Capitol Hill, with witnesses from both sides of the aisle voicing disapproval of the city’s decision to terminate the decorated public servant.
“I wish we had a bill to protect him,” former U.S. Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat who represented Massachusetts’ 4th District, said of Chief Kelvin Cochran.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aaron and Melissa Klein, Alliance Defending Freedom, Barney Frank, Elijah Cummings, FADA, Katherine Franke, Kelvin Cochran, Kristen Waggoner, Mark Meadows, marriage, Matthew J. Franck, Obergefell, The Witherspoon Institute
Religious Liberty | Admin | July 14, 2016 4:00 AM | Comments Off on At Religious Liberty Hearing, Democrats Unlikely Backers of Atlanta Fire Chief