Democrats’ New Way Forward, One Lie At A Time

Written by Robert Knight

The lies were thick and fast all week at the Democratic National Convention, but never so blatantly as they were in Vice President Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

The Democratic presidential nominee accused her opponent, former President Donald Trump, of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare (he has not); being weak on border enforcement (he had it under control before President Biden and Ms. Harris took office) and sending an “armed mob” to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 (they weren’t armed).

She also promised in true Marxist fashion a “new way forward,” as if she were not part of the current regime, which has pushed collectivism, caused economic misery, stoked racial animus and signaled weakness to our enemies.

She apparently thought it was cute to cite her mother’s admonition not to go about things “half-assed.”

How about full-bore, scorched-earth Marxism? This includes blowing pixie dust at “the middle class,” the hapless taxpayers that Democrats profess to love while looting them.

Speaking of Marxists, former first lady Michelle Obama, whose net worth is somewhere north of $70 million, employed class envy and other divisive memes. She accused Mr. Trump of pushing “ugly, misogynistic, racist lies” and of “demonizing” children. She was talking about the sexually confused minors that progressive Democrats are drugging and sterilizing. Mr. Trump has said he will put an end to this evil quackery.

The biggest lie we’ve been told for the past 3½ years was that Mr. Biden was sharp as a tack, that his age was irrelevant.

Before the coup toppled him as the presumed nominee, Democratic elites and their media were all in.

In February, the cat was out of the bag. Special counsel Robert Hur said Mr. Biden misappropriated classified documents, but that he would not prosecute him because a jury would see him as “a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.”

Ouch. So the Democrats sprang into action, swearing to Mr. Biden’s sharpness. This one is my favorite:

Mitch Landrieu, a former senior adviser to Mr. Biden who co-chaired his reelection campaign, said on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” that “this kind of sense that he’s not ready for this job is just a bucket of BS. It’s so deep [that] your boots will get stuck under.”

With what we know now, Mr. Landrieu must be walking around barefoot, his boots still under that bucket. He and everybody around Mr. Biden had covered up his condition for years, including Ms. Harris.

So it was rich to see Democrats at the convention ridicule Mr. Trump for his age, as if he were as frail and mentally compromised as Mr. Biden.

Former President Bill Clinton, former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and TV magnate Oprah Winfrey all mocked Mr. Trump’s age.

They did so while insisting that “their ticket is the one focusing on joy and uplifting the nation,” The Washington Post wrote in a surprisingly candid front-page story last Thursday.

Part of that uplift was a Planned Parenthood truck outside the event providing free abortion pills and vasectomies. Democrats know joy when they see it — killing babies and sterilizing men to save the planet.

The Post piece included this about Hillary Clinton: “‘Let’s cut to the chase. I am too old to gild the lily,’ Ms. Clinton said in a thin and raspy voice. ‘Two days ago I turned 78. … And the only personal vanity I want to assert is I’m still younger than Donald Trump.”

Yes. He was born on June 14, 1946, and she was born on Oct. 26, 1947. Score!

Wild cheers naturally ensued from the crowd on the convention floor.

What else have they got? Under Biden-Harris, the United States has been overwhelmed by 10 million illegal aliens, seen more than 300,000 opiate overdose deaths and watched police officers being defunded and demoralized as urban crime exploded.

The Biden-Harris team also engineered a massive attack on domestic energy production. Combined with trillions in spending, it has produced ruinous inflation and high mortgage rates. Schoolchildren are being indoctrinated in critical race theory and anti-American history. Meanwhile, the Democrats’ LGBTQ legal juggernaut is criminalizing Christianity and common sense.

They’re pretty proud of all this when they aren’t pretending to be harmless as church mice and “everyday Americans,” as Hillary Clinton would say.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, who spoke on Wednesday, was cast right out of Mayberry. That is, if Barney Fife had served as faculty adviser to a gay-straight alliance school club and introduced students to the joys of Chinese communism.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has a male spouse, railed against Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance for his defense of the traditional mother-father married family, accusing him of promoting “darkness.”

Remember, telling the documented truth about the merits of God’s natural foundation for civilization is a form of “hate.”

Ms. Winfrey also took shots at Mr. Vance, pouncing on his “childless cat ladies” remark. She also spoke out strongly for abortion. It fits when you think about it.

The lies recited at the Democratic convention were too many to recount, but the nastiest ones were told by President Biden himself (yes, he is still the president). He repeated his slanders yet again that Mr. Trump praised neo-Nazis and called American war dead at Normandy “losers.”

Who cares about truth when you’re spreading so much joy?

This article was originally published by The Washington Times.

Robert Knight is a former Los Angeles Times news editor and writer and was a Media Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. This column was originally published by The Washington Times.

He has been published by the Wall Street Journal, National Review, the Christian Post,,,, and many others.  He has co-authored three books and written 10, including “Liberty on the Brink: How the Left Plans to Steal Your Vote” (D. James Kennedy Ministries, 2020) and “The Coming Communist Wave: What Happens If the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government” (D. James Kennedy Ministries, 2020) . 

You can follow him on Twitter at @RobertKnight17, and his website is