Posts tagged: Socialism

Socialism for the Uninformed

Written by Thomas Sowell

The great promise of socialism is something for nothing. It is one of the signs of today’s dumbed-down education that so many young Bernie Sanders supporters seem to think that the cost of their college education should — and will — be paid by raising taxes on “the rich.”

Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.… Continue Reading

What Millennials Don’t Get About Bernie


Written by Zachary Jonathan Jacobson

Bernie Sanders’ lock on young people has been a constant throughout the Democratic presidential primaries. Exit polling shows he won 83% of voters under 30 in Pennsylvania last month, 74% in Indiana last week and 71% in West Virginia on Tuesday.

Why are Millennials so enamored of Sanders? Most hypotheses credit their enthusiasm for sweeping moral goals such as transparency, fairness and justice. Perhaps young voters prefer Sanders’ call for “revolution” over Hillary Clinton’s more pragmatic incrementalism. … Continue Reading

Top 3 Lies Socialists Tell the ‘Useful Idiots’


Written by Dan Bongino

I’m not a morning person. I used to be a morning person, but after years of early morning shifts at the White House, something changed and I became much more efficient in the evening hours. My wife knows this about me and I recently remarked to her that with all the lying and deception going on in politics, some entrepreneurial politician should run on a platform to “ban mornings.”We laughed about it, but it sparked a thought.

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Socialism Has Failed Spectacularly, But the Young Fans of Sanders Never Got That History Lesson

Written by Thomas Sowell

Many people of mature years are amazed at how many young people have voted for Senator Bernie Sanders, and are enthusiastic about the socialism he preaches.

Many of those older people have lived long enough to have seen socialism fail, time and again, in countries around the world. Venezuela, with all its rich oil resources, is currently on the verge of economic collapse, after its heady fling with socialism.

But, most of the young have missed all that, and their dumbed-down education is far more likely to present the inspiring rhetoric of socialism than to present its dismal track record.… Continue Reading

Following the Piper’s Tune

Written by Charles Battig

While political pundits ponder the reasons for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s success with his socialist message among younger voters, they might also consider the “power of myth” as evidenced by human behavior.

Historian Joseph Campbell’s reflections on the topic aired on PBS in the mid-1980s and were later published in 1988 under the title The Power of Myth.  Campbell documented and analyzed recurring basic themes embedded in the folklore and mythology of most every culture…good vs.… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders’ Siren Song of Socialism


Written by Robert Knight

According to the experts, much of the Millennial generation is besotted with the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Note: Millennials are the largest voting bloc by age.

Born between 1981 and 2000, and mostly in their 20s and early 30s, many Millennials are showing up at rallies of the self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist” U.S. senator from Vermont and cheering his diatribes against “the billionaire class.”

Like the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers before them, many Millennials are highly educated.… Continue Reading