Posts tagged: Republican Party Platform

Pro-Life/Pro-Family/Parents Rights in GOP Platform

Written by Paul Caprio

It is our understanding that the RNC is considering a national platform without mentioning pro-life, pro-family, or parents’ rights issues. That would be a major mistake. Here is why:

Pro-Life Catholics and evangelical Christians make up the largest single GOP voting bloc. Many are low frequency GOP voters, if they vote at all. In 2016 and 2020, evangelical Christians voted for President Donald Trump at a rate of 75-78 percent, according to most post-election polls.… Continue Reading

Tell the RNC to Protect Life in the GOP Platform

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Will The GOP Uphold the Sanctity of Human Life?

On March 20, 1854, at a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, the Republican Party was established to stop the expansion of slavery into western territories. Six years later, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican president. After Lincoln, 18 other Republicans have been elected to the office of President of the United States.

Since 1973, the Republican Party has officially opposed abortion in its party platform.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Hoosier Gonna Pick in November?

On this edition of Spotlight, David Smith and Monte Larrick reach out across the border to usher in their guest – but the border we’re referring to might not be the first one that comes to mind. Micah Clark, Executive Director of American Family Association of Indiana, joins our hosts to talk about a number of key topics in the run-up to the November election.

The podcast begins with a discussion of President Trump’s nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Brett Kavanaugh.… Continue Reading

A Tale of Two Platforms


Written by Robert Knight

Regardless of the Trump-Clinton matchup, it’s instructive to contrast the Republican and Democratic Party platforms.  While nearly identical in length, they reveal utterly opposite worldviews.

The 54-page GOP platform calls for greater personal responsibility; de-centralizing power; a Balanced Budget Amendment; reducing the size and scope of government;  parental rights; gun ownership and religious liberty; tax incentives for economic growth; reducing taxes across the board; a crackdown on the Internal Revenue Service; overturning the Supreme Court’s rulings on Obamacare, abortion and same-sex “marriage”; rejecting any treaties not vetted by the Senate; rescinding President Obama’s executive orders granting amnesty to illegal immigrants; withholding federal funds from “sanctuary cities”; building a wall on our southern border; rebuilding American military strength, and exerting international leadership against ISIS and other threats.… Continue Reading