Posts tagged: Pat McCrory

Gallagher: Believers, Conservatives Need to ‘Man Up’

Written by Steve Jordahl

The 2016 elections were good for Republicans, with one notable exception: Democrat Roy Cooper beat out Republican incumbent Pat McCrory in the governor’s race in North Carolina – but the central issue in that election was HB2, the state’s bathroom bill which allowed men into women’s restrooms. The Human Rights Campaign spent tens of thousands of dollars on Cooper and ran ads like this:

“More than 200 businesses have come out in opposition to HB2.

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Obama’s Coed Bathroom Madness


By J. Matt Barber

President Barack Obama has done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill.

Reports Fox News:

“The Obama administration has sent a letter to every public school district in the country telling them to allow transgender students [meaning students pretending to be the opposite sex] to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their chosen gender identity, as opposed to their birth certificate.

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Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms


Written by Ben Johnson

John Kasich said on Sunday that he would “probably not” sign a bill preventing biological males from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers – and those who are hung up on the issue should “take a deep breath,” “chill out,” and “get over it.”

Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson ended his interview with the the Ohio governor and presidential hopeful by asking if Kasich would sign a bill similar to the one enacted by North Carolina Gov.Continue Reading

An Inside Look at How Democrats Rig the Election Game

Written by James Simpson

Elections matter. President Barack Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too. The 2010 elections reversed decades of Democrat majority control in state houses. Since then, GOP governors and legislatures all over the country have been restoring sanity to state government. Most Americans don’t know this of course, because the media won’t tell you.

One good example is North Carolina.… Continue Reading