Posts tagged: Paris climate agreement

Climate Change Hysteria Grips the Democratic Party

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

On Tuesday, July 9, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont joined U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Earl Blumenauer of Oregon in introducing a resolution declaring that climate change is a national emergency, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the notion of global warming is coming under increased scrutiny.

While the vast majority of the scientific community continues to march in lockstep to the mantra of climate change, dissent is growing.… Continue Reading

Raw Emotion, Not Science, on Display at People’s Climate March

… and the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Written by William M. Briggs

Madness. Last week came March for Science spokesmodel Bill Nye and his perversions passing for “science.” Now comes shifty George Soros with his tens of millions injected into the populace to stir up heated feelings of “science.”

We resist, they say. We build, they claim. We rise, they threaten.

These declarations are from the homepage of the People’s Climate March, as brave and as forthright as any communist slogan.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Real Global Warming Fraud Revealed


Written by Dennis Avery

The Democrats are devastated by their recent lost elections.  They will be even more devastated as we learn the details of their massive global warming fraud.

Dr. John Bates, a former high level NOAA scientist, set off a furor by revealing that a recent NOAA paper, which claimed global warming hadn’t “paused” during the past 20 years, was fraudulent. The paper was timed to undergird President Barack Obama’s signing of the hugely expensive Paris climate agreement.… Continue Reading