Posts tagged: parental consent

Dems Have No Interest In Compromise On Abortion

Written by Paul Caprio

In his column, Donald Trump Owes Pro-Lifers (September 29), William McGurn has made some important points about the significance of the pro-life movement in electing Donald Trump President in 2016.

First, however, Mr. McGurn mentions Trump’s recent attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban. Trump is calling it a “terrible thing.” The Florida law is called federalism in action, Mr. President.

Mr. McGurn correctly reminds us of the two major events which were crucial in providing overwhelming, and probably decisive, pro-life support for Trump in 2016.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Parental Rights, Religious Liberty and American History

Written by Benjamin Smith

Latasha Fields, founder and director of CHESS – Christian Home Educators Support System, joins IFI executive director David Smith on this edition of Spotlight. In the first half of the podcast, David and Latasha discuss egregious legislation pending in the Illinois General Assembly that aims to eviscerate parental rights and eliminate religious liberty.

State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) recently introduced HB 4870 would mandate the HPV vaccination for ALL Illinois students at the 6th grade level.… Continue Reading

How Weasel Words Pave the Road to Hell

Written by Robert Knight

We are awash in weasel words. That is, euphemisms meant to distract us from reality.  The most obvious ones are replacing homosexuality with “gay,” taxes with “revenue,” spending with “investments,” sexual confusion with “gender identity,” and abortion with “choice.” Actually, abortion has a whole set of weasel terms.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker drew “whoops and cheers” from onlookers on June 12 as he signed The Reproductive Health Act, which he called “a beacon of hope in the heart of this nation.”  … Continue Reading