Posts tagged: NIFLA v. Becerra

The Gulf Widens Between Democrats’ Truth & Lies

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t go outside the legacy media, you might have missed a few important stories.

In New York, Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul extended the COVID-19 “emergency” to March 16, even though the pandemic is running out of steam.

“The rate of new COVID-19 hospital admissions has been increasing over the past month to over 300 new admissions a day,” she said. But, as The Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley points out, “In fact, state data show that daily new hospital admissions fell to around 300 from 2,100 in early January.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Mary Hallan FioRito on Pro-Life Politics and Culture

This week’s Spotlight conversation between Monte Larrick and Mary Hallan FioRito took place at the annual Lake County Right to Life Banquet, which was held July 27th in Mundelein, Illinois.

Ms. FioRito received her Juris Doctor from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 1993. Upon conferral of her degree, she was chosen by the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin to serve as Director of Pro-life Activities for the Archdiocese of Chicago. She subsequently served the Archdiocese as its first female Vice-Chancellor and then as Executive Assistant to the late Francis Cardinal George, until his death in 2015.… Continue Reading

Anthony Kennedy Has Important Parting Advice for Liberals

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in NIFLA v. Becerra should drive a stake into the heart of an Illinois law that requires pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols.

This tyrannical legislation (SB 1564) was signed by Republican impostor Bruce Rauner and sponsored by Chicago Democrats. In writing the majority opinion of the Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy offers some constructive criticism to totalitarian policy-makers:

[B]egin by reading the First Amendment as ratified in 1791; to understand the history of authoritarian government as the Founders then knew it; to confirm that history since then shows how relentless authoritarian regimes are in their attempts to stifle free speech; and to carry those lessons onward as we seek to preserve and teach the necessity of freedom of speech for the generations to come.

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