Posts tagged: National Association of Police Organizations

CNN’S Lemon of a Town Hall Meeting

Written by Tim Graham

CNN became apoplectic whenever former President Donald Trump called them “fake news,” but on July 21, they offered President Joe Biden a nationally televised boost that can accurately be described as a “fake town hall.”

A real town hall would sell tickets in a city like Cincinnati and let the locals mix it up with the president and ask him whatever was on their minds. That’s not what CNN did. It was an “invitation only” audience, which means nobody boos or laughs at inappropriate times.… Continue Reading

Respect For Cops Has Increased. A Lot.


Written by Aaron Banler

A new poll shows that the despite the poisonous rhetoric from the Black Lives Matter crowd, respect for police officers has increased significantly over the past year.

A Gallup poll released on Monday found that 76 percent of Americans said they respected their local police officers “a great deal,” close to the all-time high of 77 percent in 1967. Gallup first started this particular survey in 1965.

Among political ideology, conservatives had the most respect for cops, at 85 percent.… Continue Reading