Written by John Biver
There are more Democratic Party candidates for attorney general (8) than there are for governor (6). Speaker Michael Madigan’s daughter, Lisa Madigan, retiring after the end of her fourth term, has held the office since first being elected in 2002.
The candidates are State Rep. Scott Drury, Sharon Fairley, Aaron Goldstein, Renato Mariotti, State Sen. Kwame Raoul, Nancy Rotering, Jesse Ruiz, and former governor Pat Quinn.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aaron Goldstein, Donald Trump, Erika Harold, Gary Grasso, Jesse Ruiz, Kwame Raoul, Lisa Madigan, Michael Madigan, Nancy Rotering, Pat Quinn, Renato Mariotti, Scott Drury, Sharon Fairley
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 10, 2018 7:45 AM |
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Written by Russ Stewart
In Washington, D.C., “safe” is every politician’s, lobbyist’s and campaign fund-raiser’s favorite four-letter word, physically and politically, especially in the U.S. House, where the Republicans hold a 245-188 majority (with two vacancies).
Of the 435 seats up for election in 2016, according to nonpartisan prognosticators like the Rothenberg and Gonzales Political Report, Rollcall, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report, only 32 are “in play,” which means susceptible to a party switch next year.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adolph Sabath, Barack Obama, Bill Enyart, Bill Foster, Bob Dold, Brad Schneider, Cheri Bustos, Denny Hastert, Election 2016, Henry Rainey, Hillary Clinton, Leslie Arends, Mark Kirk, Mike Bost, Mitt Romney, Nancy Rotering, Tammy Duckworth
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
August 8, 2015 11:39 AM |
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