Posts tagged: Monte Larrick

“Killing More Babies During the Pandemic” (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)

A new Planned Parenthood has opened in Waukegan; even in the midst of a pandemic the evil want to shed innocent blood. Monte Larrick joined a civil protest outside the new murder center recently and conducted a short interview with the Pro-Life Action League’s Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They discussed the need for a constant pro-life presence outside the clinic, possible legal challenges to the facility, and legislative action issues.

"Killing More Babies During the Pandemic" (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)
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“Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)

Peter Labarbera, the President of Americans for Truth and the Center for Morality, joins this episode to discuss the recent U. S. Supreme Court decision to rewrite the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After talking about the possible results of the drastic decision, Monte Larrick and Labarbera discussed the “Equality Act” and the 2020 election.

"Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life" (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)
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“Are There Silver Linings to This Pandemic?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #200)

Our final Spotlight for May features a recent conversation between Monte Larrick and Pastor Dan Haas of Aurora Community Church. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Haas wonders what is God’s message to believers in Christ and what is the Church’s task. Dan stresses the opportunity the pandemic presents to re-evaluate and prepare for what ministry could look like inside and outside of the physical church facility in the months to come. He also emphasizes that Governor Pritzker’s “one size fits all” approach to restrictions is flawed and injurious.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberties are Essential in Illinois

Written by David E. Smith

While numerous businesses have been designated as “essential” and allowed to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois’ governor has deemed houses of worship for all faith traditions as non-essential entities, denying people of faith access to these facilities for corporate worship and prayer.

Illinois Family’s Monte Larrick recently spoke with Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler at a May 1st prayer vigil, held outside Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, to protest Governor JB Pritzker’s overreach.… Continue Reading

“Parents Are Either Important, or They’re Not” (Illinois Family Spotlight #190)

At the recent SpeakOut Illinois conference, Monte Larrick had the opportunity to connect with Illinois State Senator Dan McConchie of the 26th district. To begin this edition of Spotlight, Sen. McConchie described his approach to his senatorial responsibilities and gave detailed advice to constituents who want to have productive interactions with their elected officials in Springfield. Monte and Sen. McConchie considered how efforts to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, mandate HPV vaccinations for ALL Illinois youth, and eliminate any religious exemption for immunizations are trampling on parental rights.… Continue Reading

“Let’s Take the Mapping Power from Mike Madigan” (Illinois Family Spotlight #189)

Monte Larrick caught up with Peter Breen, the Vice President and Senior Counsel for the Thomas More Society, at the recent SpeakOut Illinois event in Oakbrook Terrace. They talked about Breen’s candidacy for the 48th House district, his work on the fair maps petition, and the threats to families in Illinois–taking the form of the erasure of parental notice of abortion, the trampling of parental rights with the mandatory HPV vaccine, and the elimination of informed and religious objection to vaccines generally.… Continue Reading

“If you Compromise on Life, It’s Easy to Compromise on Anything Else” (Illinois Family Spotlight #186)

The Reverend Franklin Graham joined Monte Larrick for an interview right before the IFI fall fundraising banquet last year and is featured on this episode. They talked about freedom of speech, why Christians need to be involved in politics, why only God can ultimately change today’s culture, how Rev. Graham believes we can change the education system, where civil disobedience is permitted, the conundrum in Illinois education with the new LGBTQ history mandate, and finally a message from Reverend Graham to the Christians in Illinois.… Continue Reading

“Why Rally, Why March?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #180)

In advance of the upcoming March for Life Chicago, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler to talk about the big March, but looming in the background is the recent passage of a big anti-life law in Illinois, which prompts some to ask: why should we rally and march for life?

After that, they discuss activating more people for the pro-life movement, what the Pro-Life Action League does for the unborn, a potential legislative reversal of the parental notice of abortion in Illinois, how constituents could lobby their pro-abortion lawmakers against it, sex trafficking and parental notice, and is abortion coming to the public schools?… Continue Reading

“Merry Christmas! Illinois Lawmakers Gift You More Drugs and Gambling” (Illinois Family Spotlight 176)

This spotlight features an interview with ILCAAAP’s Anita Bedell to discuss seemingly increased vice in Illinois, or maybe just more exposed government corruption. Anita Bedell talks with Monte Larrick about more casinos therefore more gambling, how to fight commercial marijuana, and their combination link to corruption in politics.

"Merry Christmas! Illinois Lawmakers Gift You More Drugs and Gambling" (Illinois Family Spotlight 176)
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“Match Your Passion With Your Action” (Illinois Family Spotlight #173)

According to Brigitte Gabriel, “Two percent of the passionate will always rule the ninety-eight percent indifferent.” As a conservative author, political commentator, and the founder of ACT for America, Ms. Gabriel is definitely passionate about educating and mobilizing Americans to take practical steps to preserve our national identity and protect our country from radical Islam.

Brigitte Gabriel joins Monte Larrick on this week’s Spotlight to discuss a variety of topics including legal immigration, sharia law in U.S.… Continue Reading