Posts tagged: Milton Friedman

Laughing At All Of The Democrats’ Lies

Written by Robert Knight

When the Soviet Union existed — 1917 to 1991 — its hapless citizens resorted to dark humor in the face of constant lies.

Open defiance could land them in the Siberian gulag or a KGB torture chamber in a dank basement near the Kremlin. So they learned to joke among themselves about absurd government claims, such as Pravda insisting that the economy was surging and the collective farms overflowing with food.

Here are a couple of typical Soviet jests:

Q: How does every Russian joke start?… Continue Reading

The Obamas’ Shameless Humbuggery and Hubris

Written by Laurie Higgins

At the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, perhaps the most popular living demagogue, Michelle Obama, a woman practiced at the art of deception, delivered a deceitful polemic with the theatrical skill of her best Hollywood pals. Then on Wednesday night, her oily husband, equally full of hubris and skilled at humbuggery, becoming the first former president in modern history to swagger onto the national stage with teeth bared and claws unsheathed, and armed with the audacity of revenge.… Continue Reading

Obama’s Unacceptable Love Affair With Communism


Written by David Limbaugh

Conservatives and other Barack Obama critics are entitled to a big “I told you so,” after Obama’s stunning admission that he doesn’t believe there’s that much difference between communism and capitalism.

Actually, it’s not that stunning to people paying attention. Many of us warned about Obama’s Marxist sympathies before he was first elected president, and we’ve repeatedly pointed it out during his presidency. Obama was raised and mentored by communists and spent many years engaged in community organizing (radical leftist activism).… Continue Reading

Steinberg Rings Usual Alarm that Spending Cuts “Will Only Hurt the Poor”


Written by John Jay

Liberal media pundits are up to their usual tricks by chastising proposed budget cuts as “hurting our most vulnerable” in typical boogeyman alarmist fashion.

Anytime a reformist finally gets elected to clean up a decades-long mess that’s been simmering in any state capitol, state bureaucrats and progressives dig in to resist any change of the status quo.

Step in the Chicago Sun-TimesNeil Steinberg:

Illinois was 50th out of 50 before.

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