Posts tagged: Mike Madigan

LaQuan Backlash Will Devour Alvarez in 2016


Written by Russ Stewart

The “Laquan McDonald Monster” has surfaced, and unlike the Loch Ness Monster, it is tangible, palpable and deadly. Those 16 bullets will be remembered by black voters in 2016, and a torrent of rage — and votes — will be directed in the March 15, 2016, Democratic primary against both Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez and any non-black candidates closely associated with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police superintendent Garry McCarthy.

Over the past 50 years, there have been periodic “galvanizing” moments among local black voters, precipitating an electoral eruption and the defeat of candidates deemed hostile.… Continue Reading

Meet the Politicians Who Stand to Get Rich Off Of Chicago’s Massive Property Tax Hike

Written by Austin Berg

Chicago City Council passed the largest property-tax hike in modern city history by a vote of 36-14 on Oct. 28, approving Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 2016 budget proposal.

The budget includes a $588 million property-tax hike to be phased in over the next four years.

In short: Chicagoans are likely to take a closer look at their upcoming tax bill, as homeowners and small-business owners will need to see just how large a hit their family’s bottom lines will take.… Continue Reading

Illinois House Balks on Real Workers’ Compensation Reform

Michael Madigan

Written by Heather Niemetschek

On June 4, the Illinois House of Representatives passed House Bill 1287, including three amendments that made up the Democrats’ version of a workers’ compensation reform package. But the overarching theme of the debate was whether the amendments could be called “reform” at all.

A careful review of HB 1287 shows the House passed a bill lacking the cost-saving reforms Illinoisans desperately need.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has remained adamant for months that reform of the workers’ compensation laws in Illinois is one of the most important structural changes the General Assembly must address this session before the governor will consider revenue increases.… Continue Reading

“Rahm Rejections” Was Epidemic In Chicago Vote


Written by Russ Strewart

“Not Rahm.” “Anybody But Rahm.” “Any Alderman Who Is Not A Stooge For Rahm.” Those were the clear victors in the Feb. 24 municipal election.

Chicago’s heretofore esteemed mayor, Rahm Emanuel, has been absolutely, totally, completely humiliated. His gargantuan ego has shriveled. The scope and size of his rejection is breathtaking.

Chicago has 1,421,430 registered voters and a population of 2,695,598. On Feb. 24 in the nonpartisan mayoral election, 472,126 people voted.… Continue Reading

“Spend-To-Stay” Alive and Well in Illinois


Written by Russ Stewart

Remember that old verity, you get what you pay for? Often, you don’t. In Illinois politics, however, you pay for what you get, and the candidate who pays the most is the candidate who gets.

Bruce Rauner is Illinois’ governor because during 2014 he raised $78,191,560 and spent $58,426,802. Roughly $25 million of his receipts came from his own pocket. Self-funding, in essence, bought him the governorship.

Rauner beat Pat Quinn 1,823,627 to 1,681,343, getting 50.3 percent of the vote and winning by a margin of a margin of 142,284 votes.… Continue Reading

November Election Result will be “UPS Moment”


Written by Russ Stewart

The Nov. 4 election, for Democratic politicians in Chicago, will be a “UPS moment.” Which committeemen among the 50 Chicago wards will deliver, and will their delivery be decisive and intimidating?

With Chicago politicians already heavily focused on the Feb. 24, 2015, municipal election, and those with statewide ambitions intensely pondering the state landscape for 2016 and 2018, the 2014 vote will, to use that old expression, “separate the men from the boys.”… Continue Reading

Those Hurt by Obama and Quinn Must Demand Change

Written by Dan Proft,

This week two Chicago Democrat politicians who are farther out over their skis than Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards ever was (I’ve got Winter Olympics fever) will tell us their version of the state of United States of America, and the state of the State of Illinois.

They will explain to us that with just a few structural tax increases, and a price control or two, we could be living in a modern Utopia not even H.G.… Continue Reading