Posts tagged: Michael Madigan

Gubernatorial Election: What to Do, What to Do…

Written by Laurie Higgins

Maybe Illinois conservatives, beaten down by Illinois politics and bad governance, badgered by fellow Republicans, and panicking because they focus too much on the short-term nightmarish picture they see before their eyes, will at the last moment fold and vote for Bruce Rauner. That would be a huge mistake.

The long-term health of the party, the state, and the nation depends not solely or even centrally on tax rates for businesses but on issues related to respect for human life, marriage, and sexuality.… Continue Reading

An Update on the Republican State Central Committee Party Leadership Vote

Written by John Biver and David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action wants to provide an update regarding the upcoming leadership vote tomorrow of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC).

The Illinois GOP SCC is the state party’s governing board, with one member chosen from each congressional district. Those elections took place last month at county party conventions across the state. Tomorrow, the SCC will meet to elect a party chairman for a four-year term.

The reason this committee and the party chairman is important is that the quality of messaging, candidate recruitment, and support are dependent on the quality of the party leaders.… Continue Reading

GOP Candidates for Attorney General: Gary Grasso and Erika Harold

Written by John Biver and Dave Smith

In a previous article, we covered the crowded Democratic Party primary for Illinois Attorney General, so now we turn to the two-way race for Republicans.

As with the Democrats, the Republicans are talking a lot about using the office to combat corruption — something the 4-term incumbent Lisa Madigan has been roundly criticized for failing to do. As noted previously, the fact that her father is Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan is often seen as the reason for that seeming lack of effort.… Continue Reading

Chicago Tribune Endorsement of Pinocchio Rauner

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Chicago Tribune has endorsed Bruce Rauner despite his lousy track record, his lousy debate performance, and his penchant for bald-faced lying (as amply demonstrated in his campaign ads).

The Trib sees Rauner’s resolve in opposing Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan as his chief accomplishment. But surely the editorial board knows that resolve in the service of principle is—along with her command of public policy—one of Ives’ most notable attributes.

So, why endorse Rauner who was named the “Worst Republican Governor in America” by National Review?… Continue Reading

IFA’s Governor’s Race Comparisons Piece

Written by John Biver

The 2018 Republican primary for Illinois governor is unique when you consider the ideological differences between the candidates and the dramatic difference in the size of their bank accounts.

Bruce Rauner is a social policy Leftist, Jeannie Ives is a pro-family conservative. Bruce Rauner has tens of millions of his own money to spend on his campaign. Jeannie Ives must raise every dollar she can to compete.

During the founding era of our country, the flow of information was obviously all word of mouth — neighbors talking to neighbors, friends to friends.… Continue Reading

Rauner’s Deceitful Campaign Ads

Written by Laurie Higgins

Pinocchio Rauner has astoundingly deceitful campaign ads about campaign rival Jeanne Ives running on Fox News and appearing like stinkbugs and cockroaches in the mailboxes of the good people of Illinois.

Let’s take a quick look at the putrescent propaganda that I found stinking up my mailbox. Here are Rauner’s lies in yellow followed by the truth.

Rauner lie #1: Ives is a “career politician.”

Truth: The 53-year-old Ives began her career in the Illinois State House in January 2013, so she just completed her 5th year in Springfield.… Continue Reading

Mrs. Ives Heads to Springfield

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The Crowded (and Contentious) Democratic Party Race for Attorney General

Written by John Biver

There are more Democratic Party candidates for attorney general (8) than there are for governor (6). Speaker Michael Madigan’s daughter, Lisa Madigan, retiring after the end of her fourth term, has held the office since first being elected in 2002.

The candidates are State Rep. Scott Drury, Sharon Fairley, Aaron Goldstein, Renato Mariotti, State Sen. Kwame Raoul, Nancy Rotering, Jesse Ruiz, and former governor Pat Quinn.… Continue Reading

BONUS: HB 40 Backlash (Illinois Family Spotlight #062)

As most of you know, HB 40 was signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner last week. Pro-life voters are deeply disturbed by the governor’s change of heart.

Joining Monte Larrick to talk about this ominous legislation is State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard), an Illinois House GOP floor leader and a pro-life leader in his own right.  Rep. Breen has been one of the most outspoken Republicans against HB 40.

Discussed in this bonus podcast: the implications of the bill, what we can do to mitigate its effects, the governors inability to outmaneuver House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), and the question many Illinois conservatives are asking: should Governor Rauner be challenged in the March 2018 Primary Election?… Continue Reading

School Funding Bill Compromise: ‘CPS Got Bailed Out and We Made Promises We Can’t Keep’

Written by John Biver

Earlier this month, the Illinois General Assembly approved a school funding bill compromise that Governor Bruce Rauner supports. The Illinois News Network reports:

“For far too long, too many low-income students in our state have been trapped in underfunded, failing schools,” Rauner said in a statement. “The system needed to change. We have changed it. We have put aside our differences and put our kids first. It’s a historic day for Illinois.”

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