Posts tagged: judicial supremacy

What’s Your Solution to Rampaging Judicial Tyranny?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Extreme leftists such as U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives this year. They have a lot of radical policy ideas they’d love to see enacted, but the reality is that they are powerless to implement any of them as mere individual members of Congress. But a dangerous and erroneous premise has persisted in our political system that if somehow those individuals got appointed to federal judgeships, they would have the ability to unilaterally enact any policy they choose by granting legal groups standing in court cases – and have that decision be regarded as the law of the land.… Continue Reading

The 2016 Campaign for President and the Info War About the U.S. Constitution

Written by John Biver

Over the course of the past few months I gathered articles about the question of “judicial supremacy” — are U.S. Supreme Court decisions “the law of the land,” or are they rulings on cases?

Here is that page of excerpts, quotes, and links: Judicial Supremacy: Not in the U.S. Constitution, Not the Intention of the Founding Fathers.

Republicans and conservatives rarely even attempt to disseminate information about the U.S. Constitution to the uninformed and misinformed.… Continue Reading