Posts tagged: Joe Bowen

Chicago Tribune Endorses NO Vote on Amendment 1

Written by John Lopez

On Monday morning of Columbus Day, the Chicago Tribune issued its first endorsement for the 2022 General Election, and it was a “No” vote on Amendment 1.

“We endorse a no vote.  We support the rights of unions to represent their members and to bargain collectively for the best deal they can secure.  But we do not see an Illinois threat to those rights, and we see this endorsement as an opening to skew the balance of power in the public sector to an unacceptable degree.”

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Amendment 1 Proponents Double-Talk on Independent Contractors

Plus how recent (June 30) U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Presents a New Impediment to Proponents

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Written by John Lopez

At the September 29 Amendment 1 virtual editorial endorsement interview hosted by the Daily Herald, two panelists from Shaw Media including Scott Holland participated. … Continue Reading