Posts tagged: Jim Oberweis

Sorry Senator Kirk, That Train Has Left the Station

Written by Joe Walsh

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk said on the radio late yesterday that he will, in fact, campaign for Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Jim Oberweis. This statement comes as a complete 180 degree turn from his answer a month ago when asked about Oberweis. At that time he said he would not support Oberweiss because he valued his relationship with Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin.

What’s changed in the past thirty days that caused Mark Kirk to take back his previous statement?… Continue Reading

Pat Brady and the Illinois GOP

Written by David E. Smith and Laurie Higgins

This Saturday, the Republican State Central Committee (RSCC) will meet in Chicago for a regular meeting.

A few months ago, it was revealed that Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, was lobbying Republican state lawmakers in favor of same-sex “marriage.”  By doing this, Pat Brady betrayed conservative family values and the Republican Platform that states:

Our laws should strongly support and celebrate the loving commitment a man and a woman make to each other in marriage.

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Pat Brady, the GOP, and Homosexuality, Oh My

Written by Laurie Higgins

Following the epic failure of the State Central Committee to oust the traitorous Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady on Saturday, conservatives were once more subjected to whining about the “BIG TENT” from unprincipled or ignorant Republicans.

What we should be asking is, “What part of this ginormous circus tent is reserved for those who believe that the legalization of “same-sex marriage” will harm children, families, religious liberty, speech rights, public education, and the fiscal health of the nation?”… Continue Reading

Illinois GOP Central Committee Cancels Meeting

Written by ,

Late Friday night, the GOP Central Committee canceled their meeting to oust Pat Brady. In an email from 10th Congressional District Committeeman Mark Shaw, the reason provided was the lack of response from Chairman Pat Brady on whether he would attend the meeting in person or by phone.

From: Mark Shaw
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Illinois Republican State Central Committee
Subject: Rescheduling of March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting

Dear GOP Leaders:

The March 9, 2013 State Central Committee Meeting is being rescheduled because the State Chairman has not responded to our request that he be present in person or by telephone for the meeting.

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