Posts tagged: Illinois Conservative Union

Absence of Leadership Stuns Republican Conservative Base

By Illinois Conservative Union

A week has passed since an ABC-7 interview revealed that, during the campaign, Governor Bruce Rauner actively sought someone to run in his stead. While Rauner’s lack of enthusiasm for re-election was not a surprise for grassroots Illinois Conservatives, what is shocking is the lack of any strategic action and transparency on the part of IL GOP Leadership.

While facing one of the most critical election contests in recent Illinois history, in which the financial well-being of millions of Illinois citizens hung in the balance, the entire leadership was absent and silent.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservatives Send Santa An Open Letter

Dear Santa,

We know you’re very busy this time of year, but we hope you’ll take a moment to consider our Christmas wish list.

As you know, we’ve been very good for goodness sake. You see us when we’re sleeping and you know when we’re awake, so you know many of us got very little sleep the past several election cycles. We were very busy contacting voters, raising funds, knocking on doors, attending fundraisers and supporting good candidates.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservative Union Calls for New GOP Chairman

Almost one month has passed since the November 6th midterm elections. Many have analyzed the losses suffered by the Republican Party in Illinois. To the base of the Party – Conservatives who stand firmly on the adopted Republican Party platform – the causes are abundantly clear. Party leadership made no attempt to unify the Party, failed to support good candidates and failed to effectively communicate to voters the principles of the Republican Party. Due to this failure of leadership and lack of accepting any responsibility for the losses, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) calls for Tim Schneider to step down from his position as Chairman.… Continue Reading