Written by Ecce Verum
With all of today’s hubbub about separation of church and state, it’s refreshing to hear someone invoke Scripture on the floor of a state legislature. … Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this special episode, Illinois Family Spotlight highlights interviews with Nancy Valko and Scott Klusendorf regarding the state of Illinois and the End of Life Options Act.
Nancy Valko has served for more than fifty years as a registered nurse, and is the spokeswoman for the National Association of Pro Life Nurses.
Scott Klusendorf is a pro-life advocate– regularly traveling throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square.… Continue Reading
Written by Richard Hartian
Illinois has long been held as a blue state and a powerful one for the far-left liberal cause.
But things are changing. You can feel it in the air and see it in the way people are acting and talking.
Not long ago, conservatives in Illinois often felt and acted as though we needed to hide in the corners. We were grateful when people stood up, but for the most part, we kept quiet.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
Governor J.B. Pritzker is pledging to “Trump proof” Illinois through keeping Illinois open to transgender surgeries and drugs for minors, which is one of the issues that took center stage during the Presidential campaign.
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with Thomas Hampson to discuss Governor Pritzker’s plan and the harmful effects it will have on children.
Thomas Hampson is a contributing writer for IFI serving as an intelligence analyst, U.S.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
Is legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Illinois really that dangerous?
In this edition of Spotlight, Dr. Stephen Smart will answer that exact question. Dr. Stephen Smart is a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Illinois college of medicine, and is in private practice at the Springfield clinic in Peoria.
Illinois Family Institute and other pro-life organizations are actively watching the Illinois state legislature for the inevitability of physician-assisted suicide legislation coming to the state of Illinois.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
Should Illinois legalize assisted suicide?
To answer this question, this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight will feature Dr. Benjamin German and the remarks he gave in a special forum on assisted suicide to answer this important question.
Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center on Chicago’s West side. He is also an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.… Continue Reading
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
This special episode of Spotlight features IFI’s David Smith and Monte Larrick as they break down the results of the 2024 election.
Specifically, they will focus on Trump’s policy changes and the state of Illinois– Governor Pritzker’s promise to make Illinois “Trump proof” and how Christians can stay encouraged while living in a very blue state.
“The fact is… the Democratic Party left its base and abandoned middle class workers in America and have embraced and have become the party of college educated elite.”
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
“Operation Swing State” is in full gear for the upcoming general election on November 5th.
The goal of this operation? To convert as many people as possible to the pro-child sacrifice side not only in Illinois but also in key swing states like Wisconsin.
NPR Illinois recently covered the work of this operation:
“On a hot sunny day in September, Elizabeth Posner and Mark Steen, two volunteers from Illinois, drove around the politically purplish city of Racine, Wis.,
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Tags: abortion, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, Democrats, Election, FACT Act, Governor Brown, Illinois, Jan Schakowsky, Kamala Harris, swing states, Wisconsin
Faith & Religion, Federal Elections, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Political, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
October 29, 2024 5:00 AM |
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Written by Fran Eaton
When Illinois voters make their candidate selections on the November 5, 2024, election ballot, they will also be asked their opinions on three advisory questions:
- Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments?
- Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised to property tax relief?
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Tags: 2024 Election, Ballot, Illinois, Jeanne Ives, Pat McCloskey, Rep. Kevin Olickal, Voting
Federal Elections, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Political, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
October 4, 2024 3:00 PM |
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Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with IFI Springfield Lobbyist, David Curtin, in order to get his perspective on the upcoming Illinois legislative sessions.
A bill that has a lot of conservatives in Illinois concerned is SB 3499 (Physician-Assisted Suicide). David Curtin comments,
The assisted suicide legislation is a very coordinated national effort and they’ve already done it in a few other blue states, and Illinois is the next state they usually stop at to try to pass something like this… [Physician Assisted Suicide] would allow physicians to dispense some pills to a person who is diagnose with a terminal illness to kill themselves at home.
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Tags: David Curtin, Illinois, legislation, physician assisted suicide, SB3499, Springfield
Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Faith & Religion, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Sanctity of Life | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
April 17, 2024 5:00 AM |
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