Posts tagged: Evangelicals

“Trump is President. Now What?'” (Illinois Family Spotlight #024)

il_family-spotlight_125x125The Donald became President Trump on Friday. Monte and Dave speak with Pastor John Kirkwood, an active Republican and a steady critic of Donald Trump, to discuss what a victorious Trump Administration means for evangelicals, Republicans, conservatives, and the next generation.  Pastor Kirkwood also discusses why Bernie Sanders succeeded among millennials and what that means for future political bouts.

"Trump is President. Now What?'" (Illinois Family Spotlight #024)
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2016 Election Exposes Evangelical Divides


Written by Bob Smietana

Americans with evangelical beliefs share a great deal in common. They trust in Jesus alone, evangelize their neighbors, and believe the Bible is the final authority in their lives.

But when it comes to voting, race and political affiliation still divide evangelicals, according to a survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research taken before the second presidential debate.

Overall, fewer than half (45 percent) of those with evangelical beliefs who plan to vote support Donald Trump, according to the survey.… Continue Reading

Evangelicals Accuse Fellow Believers of Abandoning Faith to Support Trump

Trump Liberty

Written by Jon Ward

Donald Trump’s support from self-identified evangelical voters has sparked a debate among Christian leaders over what that term means, and a move to narrow the definition of this term or abandon it altogether.

The civil war within American Christianity that Trump’s candidacy has sparked is similar to the one going on inside the Republican Party, with a particularly large faction dead set against ever supporting Trump.

The split is between a subset of evangelicals best categorized as “creedal” believers — those who take their faith most seriously and who oppose Trump.… Continue Reading