Posts tagged: Election 2016

Score Card from the Big Debates


Written by Michael Medved

All Republicans should feel relieved, if not jubilant. Lots of winners who helped themselves, and no disastrous losers.

Major gains for Marco Rubio who was lucid, passionate, self-assured, Kennedyesque – cementing his status as everyone’s second choice, which may win him the nomination, ultimately. John Kasich also moved his campaign forward: starting in tenth place (according to the polls) he looked and sounded like a folksy, credible, mainstream contender. Jeb Bush, who had to overcome a recent reputation for bumbling and gaffes, seemed strong, capable, sympathetic, and accessible.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Dold Has Money Edge in 10th District Rematch


Written by Russ Stewart

In Washington, D.C., “safe” is every politician’s, lobbyist’s and campaign fund-raiser’s favorite four-letter word, physically and politically, especially in the U.S. House, where the Republicans hold a 245-188 majority (with two vacancies).

Of the 435 seats up for election in 2016, according to nonpartisan prognosticators like the Rothenberg and Gonzales Political Report, Rollcall, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report, only 32 are “in play,” which means susceptible to a party switch next year.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden is Hillary’s Worst Nightmare


Written by Michael Medved

The New York Times reports preparations by Vice President Joe Biden and his aides to join the a presidential race – a looming disaster for Hillary Clinton.

It’s not that Biden is more competent, moderate or popular than she is – he’s none of the above. But he is closer to the administration, and a majority of Democrats adore the president so much that they’ll choose the candidate who pledges most fervently to continue his policies.… Continue Reading

Huckabee: If the GOP Avoids Social Issues, It’s A Sure Way to Lose in 2016


Mike Huckabee with reporters in Tinley Park Friday – Photo credit: Al Ashworth

Written by Fran Eaton

At the RISE Initiative at the Tinley Park Convention Center Friday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered a question asked by an Illinois Review reporter:

“Social conservatives in Illinois are feeling pushed out of their Party. Could you address that issue as to how important it is for social conservatives stay involved … in whatever party they pick?”

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The Weak Link in the GOP Senate Majority?


Senator Kirk and the GOP need to think hard about what happens next.

Written by John Fund

Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has won a lot of respect for his gritty recovery from a serious stroke in 2012. But his fellow Republicans worry that his recent political and verbal stumbles make him the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2016 in a state Barack Obama won with 58 percent of the vote in 2012.… Continue Reading

Ben Carson on Planned Parenthood


Written by Craig Milward

At a rally to defund Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill Tuesday, GOP presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson criticized  Planned Parenthood, calling it “hypocritical” that “these same people who say that it’s a meaningless clump of cells are trying to get livers and lungs and kidneys.”

“I’ve spent so many nights in the operating room, all night long, working, toiling so hard to save one of those lives, and you know one of the most wonderful aspects of life is later on you can see that same little baby as a 25- or 30-year-old who has their own little baby, and yet there was somebody at some point saying that it was just a clump of cells that didn’t mean anything,” said Carson.… Continue Reading

RINO Report on Scott Walker

 scottwalkerScott Walker reverses positions on illegal immigration.

Written by Robert Moon

RINO = Republican in Name Only

When Republicans un-apologetically embrace conservatism with the time-proven Reagan-Bush Sr. approach, they win by landslides. It happens every time. When they “reach across the aisle” and vote like Democrats on issue-after-issue with the failed Dole-McCain-Romney approach, our right-of-center electorate doesn’t show up and they always lose.

The following is a list of Scott Walker‘s liberal RINO policy positions and red flags from his background:

-In March of this year, he endorsed amnesty for illegal immigrants behind closed doors at a private GOP dinner, after reversing his position for the primaries.… Continue Reading

Trump On Obama In 2009: “I Think He’s Doing A Really Good Job…He’s Totally A Champion”


“Well, I think he’s sort of a guy that just has a wonderful personality,
a good speaker, somebody that people trust.”

Written by Andrew Kaczynski

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump praised President Barack Obama in 2009 in his book Think Like A Champion and on CNN’s Larry King Live.

Trump, who is currently hovering near the top of the Republican field in recent presidential polls, wrote of Obama in his book, “what he has done is amazing.”… Continue Reading

The Many Ways in Which Donald Trump Was Once a Liberal’s Liberal


Written by Hunter Schwarz

Has Donald Trump ever been wrong about anything? (Also, does he ever cry? Has he ever had self-doubt? Has he ever lay in bed awake at night crippled with anxiety?)

Perhaps no presidential candidate has the self-confidence he does, even in the face of some glaring flip-flops on his political positions. Where lesser candidates would dodge questions about why they’ve changed their mind or give a focus-group-tested line about how they evolved, Trump doesn’t admit to ever having a different opinion.… Continue Reading

Hustler’s Larry Flynt Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hustler Magazine Founder Larry Flynt’s recent endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is not only raising eyes across political lines, but hopes on the Left … and for good reason.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

As a longstanding supporter of the Clintons, the millionaire who’s built his fortune on pornography for decades is fully aware of the far-reaching ramifications of a Hillary election.

“I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president,” Flynt told Bloomberg. “If Hillary gets in, chances are she’s going to have an opportunity to appoint two, maybe three justices … and we could shift the balance there.”… Continue Reading