Posts tagged: Early Voting

A Golden Opportunity to Highlight Biden’s Blunders: September

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Imagine if Republicans were to seize a pivotal moment to engage in a sustained national debate over issues like inflation, crime, national security threats, and the costs associated with Joe Biden’s border policies. No political analyst would suggest that Democrats could withstand such focused scrutiny on top national concerns where a supermajority of voters oppose Biden’s policies.

So, instead of avoiding a budget fight in September, why not confront it head-on?… Continue Reading

Election Integrity

Written by Jane Carrell

For the past twenty years, I have followed reports of election fraud, a phenomenon the mainstream media will assure you BARELY exists. It seems the major political parties have widely differing viewpoints on the very nature of voting. Should voting really be as easy as buying a Snickers bar? Or should it be a bit more like cashing a check in a grocery store? Is it appropriate to demand identification of a person seeking to cast a vote?… Continue Reading

Vote Early or By Mail and Skip Election Day Hassles


Written by John Biver

President Ronald Reagan called voting a “the most sacred right of free men and women.” Sacred or not, less-than-sacred stuff often happens on Election Day, preventing even those with the best of intentions to leave their ballot uncast. Work or family matters get in the way, the long lines at the polling place common in a presidential election year serve as a big deterrent, and yes — sometimes people just plain forget to vote.… Continue Reading

Four in Five Americans Support Voter ID Laws, Early Voting


Written by Justin McCarthy

As partisan-fueled court battles over state voting laws are poised to shape the political landscape in 2016 and beyond, new Gallup research shows four in five Americans support both early voting and voter ID laws. A smaller majority of 63% support automatic voter registration.


These data come from an Aug. 15-16 Gallup poll.

While providing early voting opportunities and requiring voters to show photo identification at polling stations are popular among a majority of Americans, both are contentiously debated by party leaders and are being contested in state courts.… Continue Reading