IFI junior fellows Andrew Willis and John Kristof rejoin the show to continue the conversation about conservatism, Christianity, and millennials, discussing how conservatives can reach out to young Americans both in the home and in the public square.
"The Next Generation" (Illinois Family Spotlight #022)
By now the nation is fully aware of a heinous crime committed in Chicago against a mentally challenged young man who is white. Four black adults kidnapped him, bound him with duct tape, tortured him for days as he huddled in a corner, made him drink water out of a toilet, and threatened him with a knife which they used to cut his scalp.
He managed to escape and the police found him wandering dazed and traumatized in a T-shirt and shorts in the January cold.… Continue Reading
President-elect Donald Trump said he would get rid of political correctness (PC), and it couldn’t come too soon.
But the Trump Era has not quite begun, so we’re still saddled with some PC, big and small.
On the big side, we’re being told over and over that Mr. Trump did not actually win the election, but stole it with Russian help and — get this — media complicity. If you don’t go along with this PC view of the election, you are some sort of cave dweller.… Continue Reading
President Barack Obama’s legacy of running up the tab for taxpayers during his family’s exorbitant and frequent vacations is projected to reach an excess of $100 million before the close of his two terms as president – putting a strain on the economy, military ad Secret Service.
As the Obamas finish up nearly two weeks of vacation in Hawaii over the holidays – with their White House stay coming to an end – the president’s hypocrisy is becoming increasingly evident.… Continue Reading
Pro-lifers control the House of Representatives. Pro-lifers control the Senate. This month, the Presidency will be taken by a man who promises to support the pro-life movement. What will pro-lifers do with this growth in influence? Jill Stanek of the Susan B. Anthony List joins the show to discuss short term and long term plans for advancing pro-life legislation.
We’d love to hear from you! Email us at feedback@ifiaction.org.
"The Pro-Life Wish List" (Illinois Family Spotlight #021)
Monte and Dave are joined by Andrew Willis and John Kristof, Junior Fellows at the Illinois Family Institute. The two take their experiences at secular and Christian universities to express what it means to be a young Christian conservative today, and they discuss how millennials interact with politics and society.
We’d love to hear from you! Email us at feedback@ifiaction.org
"Kids These Days..." (Illinois Family Spotlight #020)
The left in America is having an emotional breakdown. They have always teetered on the mental edge, but the election of Donald Trump took some of them from mere neurosis to psychosis, from paranoia to full blown mental delusion. We’ve witnessed exams being cancelled, “cry-ins”, and even “puppy therapy.”
One woman wrote in the WashingtonPost that Trump’s election “stole” her desire to date: “I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to gather my children in bed with me and cling to them like we would if thunder and lightning were raging outside…”
If you’ve seen MTV’s racist video, “2017 Resolutions for White Guys,” you know pop-culture has lost touch with reality.… Continue Reading
According to the Refugee Processing Center, the Obama administration has already welcomed 23,248 individuals to the United States as “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of the 2017 fiscal year – almost doubling the 13,786 who were accepted for the same period in 2016.
For eight years, we have watched Islamic terrorist attacks take place around the world and on our own shores, with the bloody, gory death toll rising by the day (roughly 30,000 attacks since 9/11). And for eight years, we have listened carefully as our president addressed these horrific acts, studiously avoiding the words that so needed to be spoken: “Islamic terror” or “radical Islam.”
Instead, President Barack Obama and his surrogates spoke of “extremism” or “terrorism” — without any reference to Islam — or, worse still, of “workplace violence.”… Continue Reading
Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota who was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, is skirting around questions about his anti-Semitic past as he is being considered as the number one contender for the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman.
When asked about the anti-Semitic rants from his past, Ellison refused to answer. He then went on to blame his support for anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan on “bad reporting” by the news media.… Continue Reading