Posts tagged: Democratic Party

‘Evolution’ Questions for Democrats

Joe Hillary

Written by Andrew Stiles

On Wednesday, some British idiot asked Gov. Scott Walker (R., Wis.) if he was “comfortable with the idea of evolution.” Walker punted, and his political opponents and other scientific geniuses mocked accordingly. It’s a question designed to make Republicans look stupid, or perhaps more accurately, to make Democrats (and Brits) feel intellectually smug and superior. Still, GOP candidates should come up with a serviceable answer to it, because they’re going to be asked over and over again, because journalism.… Continue Reading

Did the President Cross a Bridge To Far?

Written by Micah Clark

Here is a remarkable story that would have been unimaginable in 2008.   A group of African-American faith leaders has formed an organization called God Said, which plans on raising $1 million dollars in an effort to drive 25% of black voters away from President Barack Obama’s re-election.   The reason for this effort is due to the President’s support of same-sex marriage. The group, with 22 advisory board members, plans radio and television ads in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Florida.… Continue Reading