Posts tagged: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Biden’s Baleful Border Betrayal

Written by David Limbaugh

Is there anything the left won’t blame on their fantastical scapegoat, climate change? Don’t bet on it. Their latest dodge is blaming the border crisis, which they created, on the climate crisis, which they invented.

A Politico article is headlined, “It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis.” That’s a convenient twofer. Never let an opportunity to blame a crisis on climate change go to waste. Well played.

But to the left, I guess the border catastrophe isn’t a crisis.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Cabinet Picks Avoid Left-Wing Loons But Show What He Means By ‘Unity’

Written by Robert Knight

Some progressives are grousing that Joe Biden’s Cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. They want Bernie Sanders named as Labor secretary, for instance. The Nation magazine is less critical but also wants more lefties.

You just can’t please some people. The fabricated “Office of the President-Elect” has announced what amounts to a reunion of the Obama administration’s radical crew, and then some.

Take Susan Rice. After the United Nations ambassador was caught lying about the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on Sept.… Continue Reading

Government Shutdown: Money, Money Everywhere, But Not a Drop for a Wall

Written by Larry Elder

This is not our first partial government shutdown. Somehow, someway, from 1976 through 2017, the nation has survived 18 shutdowns, the longest lasting 21 days. In this case, President Donald Trump insists that the next budget deal contain $5 billion to construct a wall on part of our southern border with Mexico.

Trump, say the Democrats, is “unwilling to compromise.” But when he asks for only $5 billion for a project with a U.S.… Continue Reading