Posts tagged: Dan Crenshaw

Texas Primary Results and Possible Applications to Illinois – Including “RINO Hunting”

Henry Cuellar Forced to Runoff, Ratings Changed for Cuellar District to “Toss-up”

Written by John Lopez

The day after the United States Senate successfully filibustered the pro-abortion-on-demand H.R. 3755, the Texas primary kicked off the 2022 primary season which could have some ramifications to Illinois.

With H.R. 3755’s filibuster as a backdrop and Congressman Henry Cuellar’s lone Democrat vote in the U.S. House last September making him a target of the pro-abortion zealots, Cuellar won the most votes in the March 1 primary.… Continue Reading

The West’s Fixation on Climate Change is Proving Disastrous

Written by Peter Heck

The crisis in Ukraine has highlighted, once again, the foolishness of the Western world’s climate change gambit – that is, shackling ourselves with economy-crippling restrictions that the globe’s largest, dirtiest, and most dangerous countries will ignore. Commentator Erick Erickson explained the ignorance recently:

Over the last two decades, Putin has taken advantage of the Western world’s grievous fixation with climate change. European nations have reduced their dependence on both fossil fuels and nuclear power.

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Step Aside AOC, There’s a New Youngest Member in the U.S. House

Written by Jenna Smith

Over the past several weeks, millions of Americans took part in the 2020 General Election which determines our president for the next four years. During this election cycle, citizens voted for candidates for Congress, state legislatures and various other local offices. In the U.S. House of Representatives, notable (and extremist) Congress-critters were re-elected to their seats, such as Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Eric Swallwell (D-CA), and Sandy “AOC” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Yes, Alexandria Occasional Cortex (hat tip Andrew Klavan) easily won re-election in her overwhelmingly left-leaning district in New York City.… Continue Reading

Please Don’t Shut Up, AOC

Written by David Limbaugh

U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may seem harmless, but she’s a virtue signaler on steroids and a nonstop headline-manufacturing machine.

The left adores her, and for conservatives she’s a gift that keeps on giving –because she is either too naive or arrogant to rein herself in. Don’t listen to those who advise not to be roped into her spotlight-seeking trap. Give her all the attention she craves — and more rope.

AOC conspicuously put her foot in her mouth again, but she clearly likes the taste of it because she refuses to remove it.… Continue Reading