Posts tagged: Chris Kennedy

In the Democratic Party, Pro-Abortion Extremism Knows No Bounds

Written by Blake Elliott

It was no surprise to pro-lifers on February 11th when the pro-abortion, Democrat-controlled Colorado House Committee on State, Veterans, and Military Affairs voted to postpone and essentially kill CO HB 1068, which would have provided legal protection for infants born alive after a failed abortion attempt. It just so happens that this occurred on the same day that pro-abortion Democrats were fighting against a similar bill at the federal level at a hearing entitled “The Infant Patient: Ensuring Appropriate Medical Care for Children Born Alive.”… Continue Reading

Illinois Is Already Stuck on Stupid and Doesn’t Need Dopey

Written by Pat Hickey

Polls–you know ‘scientifically conducted’ data collection, organization and dissemination that agrees most heartily with the conclusions crafted prior to research collected, organized and disseminated–have given Illinois its lofty position on what has been designated the “Right Side of History.”

The same such research sent people to the ovens in the last century and slaughtered millions of unborn American humans since 1973.

Illinois, the biggest laughing stock real estate on the continent, is usually on the “Right Side of History,” but people and businesses move away or avoid Illinois altogether.… Continue Reading

Leftist Democratic Party Governor Candidates Debate How to Speed Up Illinois’ Demise

Written by John Biver

It is not easy to decide which is worse: watching the Illinois Democratic Party candidates for governor debate, be interviewed individually, or slogging through their fantasy-filled TV ads or campaign websites.

Generally speaking, those vying for the top job in Illinois on the Democratic side agree that —

  • our state doesn’t currently raise enough in taxes,
  • K-16 schools and health care are underfunded,
  • recreational marijuana legalization won’t be a problem but a positive,
  • more money for early childhood education is needed,
  • free college tuition isn’t an insane notion,
  • state taxpayers should contribute more so state employees can continue to enjoy an above average retirement income and health care benefits,
  • the federal government should be ignored when it comes to immigration law,
  • and rich white men are bad.
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Gubernatorial Hopeful Chris Kennedy’s Unseemly Temper Tantrum

Written by Laurie Higgins

Perhaps you heard about the petulant, self-righteous, and downright rude behavior of Illinois gubernatorial hopeful Chris Kennedy directed at fellow gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives at a governor’s forum on Monday. When Jeanne Ives made the commonsense claim that a solution to gun violence is “fathers in the home,” she was greeted by not only boos from the audience but this withering and ignorant response from Kennedy:

Well, I wish I could agree with you.

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Democratic Party Candidates for Illinois Governor: J.B. Pritzker

Written by John Biver

J. B. Pritzker is a billionaire venture capitalist, philanthropist and attorney from Chicago–and as of a few days ago, he is an announced candidate for governor of Illinois. He is heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune and a guy who can compete with millionaire Chris Kennedy when it comes to campaign dollars. In fact, Pritzker has said that he will self-fund.

Pritzker, 52 years old, is estimated to be worth about $3.4 billion dollars.… Continue Reading

Democratic Party Candidates for Illinois Governor: Paterakis & Pawar

Written by John Biver

Last time we discussed Democratic Party declared gubernatorial candidates Bob Daiber and Chris Kennedy, before that Daniel Biss. Rounding out those formally in the race at this point are Alex Paterakis and Ameya Pawar.

We noted previously that candidate Daniel Biss is young — but he’s not the youngest candidate in the race. That position is held by Alex Paterakis, born in 1987 — and as we go to press he hasn’t seen his 30th birthday yet.… Continue Reading

Democratic Party Candidates for Illinois Governor: Bob Daiber and Chris Kennedy

Written by John Biver

Last time we wrote about Daniel Biss, an Illinois state senator who has declared his candidacy for governor in the Democratic Party’s primary. Today we’ll introduce two more:

  • Bob Daiber of Marine, Illinois, former teacher, current Madison County Regional Superintendent of Schools.
  • Chris Kennedy of Kenilworth, a real estate investor, former Chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees and member of the Kennedy family.

Bob Daiber, 60 years-old, from downstate Marine, Illinois (just east of Edwardsville), entered the race for governor back in February.… Continue Reading

Illinois Democrats Line Up to Run for Governor

Written by John Biver

Twenty months is a long time in politics. Like it or not, here in Illinois, that is how long the campaign for governor will be. In November 2018, Illinoisans will once again be going to the polls to elect or re-elect someone to run the executive branch — and that race is already underway. There are five Democrats who have announced their candidacy, and several more are rumored to be considering a run.… Continue Reading

Will Illinois Republican Politicians Lead or Raise Taxes?

Will Illinois Republican Politicians Lead or Raise Taxes?

Written by John Biver

Pat Hughes from “Upstream Ideas” recently recorded a scathing short video slamming state Senate Republican Minority Leader Christine Radogno for her participation in the crafting of a budget “compromise” which includes a tax increase on Illinois families. That video can be seen here: ‘Republican’ Minority Leader Radogno Looking Out For Herself Not You.

It should be noted that Sen. Radogno has been the senate GOP leader since 2009, and was recently reelected to that position by her fellow Republicans.… Continue Reading