Written by Robert Knight
The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.
For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, making the paper an accessory to what amounted to an attempted coup against the 45th president.
For its sordid role, the Times, known as “the Gray Lady,” won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for writing on “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign.”… Continue Reading
Tags: 1619 Project, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Chinagate, CIA, Democratic National Committee, Donald Trump, FBI, Gennifer Flowers, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, James O’Keefe, Joe Biden, John Durham, John McCain, Joseph Stalin, Nancy Pelosi, Project Veritas, Richard Nixon, Sarah Palin, Steele dossier, The New York Times, The Pulitzers, Trump-Russia collusion, Walter Duranty, Washington Post, Watergate
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
February 22, 2022 6:00 AM |
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Written by Brad Fox
Hillary Clinton has been involved in scandals before. Here are some notable ones you may have forgotten.
Chinagate – The Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 allegedly took bribes from Chinese banks and their government to help their dwindling poll numbers. The Chinese embassy in D.C. helped siphon funds into the DNC. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown (who was killed in a plane crash), at Hillary’s instruction reportedly sold seats on department trade missions to China.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Gore, Benghazi, Cattle-Futures Miracle, Chinagate, Drug Dealer Donor Scandal, Filegate Scandal, Hillary Clinton, Lootergate, Political Favor Scandal, Ponzi Scheme, Travelgate Scandal, Vince Foster Jr. Mystery, Whitewater Scandal
Federal Issues, Political | David E. Smith |
April 14, 2015 6:35 AM |
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