Posts tagged: Bruce Rauner

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion is Expanding in Illinois

Written by John Biver

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.


Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois.… Continue Reading

Illinois Is Already Stuck on Stupid and Doesn’t Need Dopey

Written by Pat Hickey

Polls–you know ‘scientifically conducted’ data collection, organization and dissemination that agrees most heartily with the conclusions crafted prior to research collected, organized and disseminated–have given Illinois its lofty position on what has been designated the “Right Side of History.”

The same such research sent people to the ovens in the last century and slaughtered millions of unborn American humans since 1973.

Illinois, the biggest laughing stock real estate on the continent, is usually on the “Right Side of History,” but people and businesses move away or avoid Illinois altogether.… Continue Reading

IFA’s Governor’s Race Comparisons Piece

Written by John Biver

The 2018 Republican primary for Illinois governor is unique when you consider the ideological differences between the candidates and the dramatic difference in the size of their bank accounts.

Bruce Rauner is a social policy Leftist, Jeannie Ives is a pro-family conservative. Bruce Rauner has tens of millions of his own money to spend on his campaign. Jeannie Ives must raise every dollar she can to compete.

During the founding era of our country, the flow of information was obviously all word of mouth — neighbors talking to neighbors, friends to friends.… Continue Reading

New Jeanne Ives for Governor Ad Highlights Leftist Personal PAC’s Support of Rauner

Written by John Biver

A new ad for the Jeanne Ives for Governor campaign titled “Rauner’s Friends” brings attention to the support Bruce Rauner is receiving from radical left-wing organizations like Personal PAC.

The ad points out that Personal PAC has spent four million dollars “helping Mike Madigan defeat conservatives.” Why would a pro-Madigan political action committee that opposes conservatives support a Republican governor for re-election?

The ad explains: “Personal PAC is a pro-abortion group with the history of also funding Planned Parenthood.”… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Pinocchio Rauner’s Deceptive Campaign Ads

Pinocchio Rauner has astoundingly deceitful campaign ads about campaign rival Jeanne Ives running on Fox News and appearing like stinkbugs and cockroaches in the mailboxes of the good people of Illinois. Let’s take a quick look at the putrescent propaganda that I found stinking up my mailbox…

Read more HERE.

PODCAST: Pinocchio Rauner's Deceptive Campaign Ads
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Mrs. Ives Heads to Springfield

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Voters Need to Know Where Their Republican Candidates Stand on the Issue of Leadership

Written by John Biver

The Illinois House seat that gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives is vacating has three GOP candidates vying to replace her. Ryan Byrne, Amy Grant and Burt Minor are on the primary ballot in the 42nd house district. At least two of those house candidates have chosen sides in that primary race for Governor.

Burt Minor is supporting Bruce Rauner’s reelection and Amy Grant has endorsed Jeanne Ives.

Only Amy Grant responded to the IFI Voter Guide questionnaire, and earned an endorsement from IFA.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “A Man who Shot Both His Feet Off”

Written by John Biver

The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass recently interviewed conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor Jeanne Ives. Their conversation helps listeners get to know the West Point graduate Ives as well as where she stands on the issues that face Illinois taxpayers.

Bruce Rauner is a failed governor that needs to be defeated, Jeanne Ives told John Kass. They discussed the press conference Ives did with Brian McCann, the brother of Dennis McCann who was killed by a drunk driver who also happened to be an illegal alien (John Kass wrote about the incident here).… Continue Reading

“A Man who Shot Both His Feet Off” (Illinois Family Spotlight #080)

Written by John Biver

The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass recently interviewed conservative Republican candidate for Illinois governor Jeanne Ives. Their conversation helps listeners get to know the West Point graduate Ives as well as where she stands on the issues that face Illinois taxpayers.

Bruce Rauner is a failed governor that needs to be defeated, Jeanne Ives told John Kass. They discussed the press conference Ives did with Brian McCann, the brother of Dennis McCann who was killed by a drunk driver who also happened to be an illegal alien (John Kass wrote about the incident here).… Continue Reading

Leftist Democratic Party Governor Candidates Debate How to Speed Up Illinois’ Demise

Written by John Biver

It is not easy to decide which is worse: watching the Illinois Democratic Party candidates for governor debate, be interviewed individually, or slogging through their fantasy-filled TV ads or campaign websites.

Generally speaking, those vying for the top job in Illinois on the Democratic side agree that —

  • our state doesn’t currently raise enough in taxes,
  • K-16 schools and health care are underfunded,
  • recreational marijuana legalization won’t be a problem but a positive,
  • more money for early childhood education is needed,
  • free college tuition isn’t an insane notion,
  • state taxpayers should contribute more so state employees can continue to enjoy an above average retirement income and health care benefits,
  • the federal government should be ignored when it comes to immigration law,
  • and rich white men are bad.
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