Posts tagged: Brooke Rollins

Democrats: Out of Touch and Loving It

Written by Robert Knight

A star was born last week in the great state of Maine. State Representative Laurel Libby, a Republican state legislator from the Auburn area, refused to apologize for a social media post criticizing transgender athletes.

Her post showed two photos of the same male pole-vaulter. One was taken at a boys’ event that he didn’t win, and the other showed him atop the podium after winning a girls’ competition. Ms. Libby’s comment was:

“Another day, another instance of an unremarkable male athlete (who couldn’t win against other males) dominating girls’ sports.”

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It’s The Violent Gun Felons

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We need not steal people’s guns without due process, as Joe Biden suggests, nor do we need to send in the National Guard to protect America’s cities, as Donald Trump recently suggested. What Chicago’s experience demonstrates is that we simply need to lock up the gun felons and career criminals who have already been found guilty through due process. It’s not so much about funding the police or drastic measures of having the military occupy American cities, but about simply locking up the criminals.

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Justice for David Dorn?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Man Accused of Killing Retired Black Cop Never Served a Day of 7-Year Sentence

Had our criminal justice system been working the way it should, perhaps retired police officer David Dorn would still be alive today. Yet there will be no calls for true criminal justice reform to ensure that repeat violent felons like Dorn’s suspected murderer are locked up, even as there is rioting for justice for George Floyd when justice is already well on its way to being served.… Continue Reading