Written by Daniel Horowitz
If you thought the torrent of studies and data showing the COVID shots caused catastrophic levels of excess death would make the Centers for Disease Control reconsider, think again. The CDC just recommended more shots for all age groups and will continue to do so for one simple reason: the money.
On June 27, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously recommended both COVID and flu shots for children over six months old this fall.… Continue Reading
Tags: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, British Medical Journal, Centers for Disease Control, COVID shots, Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Albert Shaw, Dr. Edwin Asturias, Dr. Helen Chu, Dr. Helen Talbot, Dr. Noel Brewer, Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, FDA, GlaxoSmithKline, Informed Consent Action Network, Moderna, mRNA, Murthy v. Missouri, Peter Doshi, Pfizer, RSV vaccine, Sanofi
COVID, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
July 15, 2024 6:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
It had even more corporate and cultural support than the vaccines and Ukraine. It was the greatest juggernaut in politics that even ensnared many Republican politicians. Yet never have we seen a movement that accomplished the opposite of what it was purported to do in such a short time frame. It turns out that as a result of the BLM-induced crime wave, reversing a generation-long trend of reduced crime, there were thousands of excess black homicide victims, a body count that is still climbing.… Continue Reading
Tags: Black Lives Matter, British Medical Journal, Emma Colton, Ferguson, Fox News, Freddie Gray, George Floyd, Hannah Meyers, Manhattan Institute
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
April 28, 2022 6:44 AM |
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