Posts tagged: American College of Pediatricians

COVID-19 Government Censorship: How Big Med Operates

Written by Robert Knight

If there were any doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic exposed widespread corruption in America’s health care establishment, a federal lawsuit should put it to rest.

Filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Murthy v. Missouri accuses the Biden administration of censoring medical views it dislikes.

So, what did the American Medical Association do? The doctors guild lined up with the censors in an amicus brief.

That’s right. It’s their way or the highway, science be damned.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Transgender Activists in White Coats

Written by David E. Smith

In this episode of Spotlight, we are featuring remarks from Dr. Michelle Cretella given at IFI’s 2019 Worldview Conference. During her presentation, she points out the differences between true, biological science, which supports pro-life and pro-family propositions, and the anti-science cult of gender ideology, which is preached by mainstream medicine, psychiatry, public and private education systems, and social and mass media.

Dr. Cretella also addresses the serious implications of the transgender movement: erasure of parents’ rights, women’s rights, and religious freedom; establishment of gender identity as a protected class; as well as potential legal action that awaits anyone who persists in using “discriminatory” language, i.e.… Continue Reading

Agree With Liberals, or You’re Racist, Xenophobic and Dangerous

Written by Robert Knight

OK, with the “unity” and “healing” rhetoric behind us as we enter the Biden/Harris years, backed by 25,000 troops, we can get back to the business at hand.

That would be the left’s all-out war on free speech, American heritage, limited government, economic freedom, biological truth and Judeo-Christian morality.

After Mr. Biden’s soothing words, his administration took a scorched-earth approach on its very first day. He signed executive orders reversing many positive Trump policies, including controlling the border, achieving energy independence, limiting travel from terror-prone nations, protecting unborn children, keeping biological males out of females’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and assembling the 1776 Commission, which was countering lies about America spread by the malign 1619 Project.… Continue Reading

Transgressing the Diversity Dictate

Written by Robert Knight

“All I know is what I read in the papers,” Will Rogers used to say when opening his vaudeville act. In that spirit, here are two items in the news that shed light on our current culture.

In a full-page newspaper ad that ran during the Winter Olympics, Edward W. Stack, chairman of DICK’s Sporting Goods, basically paraphrased Rodney King’s admonition to the Los Angeles rioters in 1992:  “Can we all get along?”… Continue Reading