Posts tagged: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

One of the Last Honest Reporters Speaks Out

Written by Elise Cooper

Slanted is the third book by Sharyl Attkisson, and as with her other two, it is a refreshing read.  It is nice to know that there are still independent journalists who put fact over opinion, and she is one of those.  To no one’s surprise, she talks about the shift in the news, from a focus on reporting the facts to more on trying to push a narrative on the American people.… Continue Reading

Trump’s Accomplishments: The Case for Four More Years

Written by Kathy Valente

There are many people who do not like the personality of President Donald J. Trump and his unorthodox methods of communicating. Some have even gone so far as to say that they couldn’t vote for him because of his temperament and/or boorishness.

Having concerns about or aversions to President Trump’s style is understandable. You don’t have to like him. When it comes to picking the commander in chief of the United States, we believe that voters should carefully consider President Trump’s record of achievements over the past four years and his goals for a second term.… Continue Reading

10 Terrorism Cases Brought Against Refugees and Legal Immigrants Just This Year in the US


Written by Fred Lucas

President Barack Obama offered assurances this week that Syrian refugees coming into the United States would be thoroughly vetted to ensure they were not involved with terrorism — even though this year multiple terrorism charges were brought against immigrants and refugees across the country who had at one point made it through government vetting to become U.S. citizens, legal residents or attain refugee status.

“As president, my first priority is the safety of the American people and that’s why, even as we accept more refugees — including Syrians — we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks,” Obama said Monday in Turkey, wrapping up the G-20 meeting.… Continue Reading