Posts tagged: 15th District

Congresswoman Mary Miller Speaks Out Against Funding for Planned Parenthood

Written by Kristi Shaffer

Recent news is filled with the debate over Roe v Wade and the abortion agenda. There is no doubt that the upcoming mid-term elections will be profoundly affected by the dispute. Conservative Christians must show their support for life now and at the ballot box. U.S. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Oakland) has shown her support for life and is now fighting the evil industry of abortion and the leftist that supports it.


Miller issued a press release that states that Governor J.B.Continue Reading

Beware of Pop Up Super PAC(s) Attempt to Smear Congresswoman Mary Miller

Written by John Lopez

Friday morning May 20 in downstate Lincoln, I participated in a political roundtable hosted by the daily POLITICO Illinois Playbook column writer Shia Kapos called “Pancakes and Politics”.  About two dozen people attended for the breakfast meeting ranging from party chairs (both Democrats and Republicans), political consultants, lobbyists and journalists including retired State Journal-Register reporter Bernard Schoenburg.

Given Lincoln is within the geographic boundaries of the 15th Congressional District and the incumbent-vs.-incumbent… Continue Reading

Mary Miller is Correct

Written by Christine Misner and David E. Smith

Why are left-wing Democrats lying about Mary Miller?

Because she stands for your values!

U.S. Representative Mary Miller is serving her first term in Congress, representing Illinois’ 15th District in Washington, D.C. Her husband, Chris Miller, is a state representative who has served in the Illinois General Assembly since 2019. They are a hardworking Christian couple who have raised seven children, operate a family ranch and farm, and are well-respected leaders in their local church and community.… Continue Reading