
Written by Matt Barber

Mankind’s enduring “culture war” is nothing new. It first began in a garden long ago and today has reached a fever pitch worldwide. The battle lines are drawn, not so much between conservative vs. liberal, as many presume, but, rather, between biblical vs. unbiblical, truth vs. deception. In its most distilled form the culture war signifies the worldly manifestation of an otherworldy spiritual battle between good and evil.

African Cardinal Robert Sarah, a man many view as a potential future pope, recently made news by boldly drilling down into this reality.… Continue Reading

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Written by Jonathan Keiler

When President Barack Obama emphatically declared, in the wake of the recent Oregon shooting, that he intended to politicize his campaign to implement “common sense gun control” (which in his mind means Australian-like confiscation) my mind turned to a man most unlike Obama, the Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates died because his fellow citizens politicized everything, and did not recognize individual liberties. So when Obama calls on Americans to politicize “gun control” he is deliberately and mischievously using the language of democracy to promote tyranny, just as Athenian “democrats” tyrannized their nation two millennia ago.… Continue Reading

Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News' "Hannity" Tuesday and declared the "far left" in American politics as having a deeply ingrained hostility toward Christianity.

George Patton_Quote

Written by David E. Smith

TONIGHT, starting at 7:30, Illinois Family Action will host a special webinar meeting to discuss the need to recruit conservative precinct committeeman with DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan.  This elected position is extremely important.

IMPORTANT:  Before joining the webinar, you will need to install the Zoom software on your computer.  Click HERE to download that ahead of time.

  • How: To join from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android: Click HERE or call in at (646) 558-8656.
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Written by John Zmirak

Watching the Democrats debate Tuesday night, my first reaction was the obvious one: Dear God, half of my fellow citizens broadly agree with these maniacs — and some of them are operating airplanes I might have to fly on. I really don’t want my life in the hands of people who think that money comes out of thin air, that vast federal programs are the answer to every American’s day-to-day dilemmas, that making tuition free will improve our educational standards … the list of rotted ideas and failed policies goes on and on.… Continue Reading



Written by Gary L. Bauer

Beyond Bernie Sanders‘ defense of socialism, two telling moments really stood out to me. Anderson Cooper asked the candidates, “Which enemy are you most proud of?” Lincoln Chafee said coal companies. Martin O’Malley said the NRA. Bernie Sanders said Wall Street.

Hillary Clinton said Iranians and, of course, Republicans. But when did she make Iran an enemy? As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton started the secret talks that led to the nuclear deal, which she supports.… Continue Reading



Associated Press

Hillary Rodham Clinton revised history in the Democratic debate when insisting she’s not a flip-flopper on a trade deal she promoted as secretary of state but turned against as a presidential candidate.

Bernie Sanders overstated the share of wealth being taken by the richest Americans, a subject that goes to the core of his campaign.

A look at some of the claims in the debate among Democratic rivals Tuesday night and how they compare with the facts:

CLINTON on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: “I did say, I hoped it would be the gold standard'” of trade agreements.… Continue Reading


Progressive Mind

Written by Matt Barber

To the limited extent they actually do, have you ever wondered how so-called “progressives” think? The progressive mind – let’s call it, “Progressy” – collectively hovers, like the Hindenburg, in that fantastical realm, that manmade utopia in waiting, that “fundamentally transformed” world that might only be, if …

Hitler got it mostly wrong, Stalin, somewhat right, and Mao, with his “Great Leap Forward,” warmer still. Marx and Engels were red-hot-close, but, they, too, missed the mark, if only by an inch.… Continue Reading


Written by Gary L. Bauer

In a recent interview, Florida Governor Jeb Bush implied that he was following Mitt Romney’s 2012 playbook. Asked about his current standing in the race, Bush said, “What happens in October is completely irrelevant. Ask me how it is going in January.”

The thinking goes like this: In 2008 and 2012, the establishment candidates initially struggled, but eventually overpowered their lesser known, underfunded conservative challengers.

Jeb Bush, clearly the establishment’s choice in 2016, is following this model.… Continue Reading


Written by Star Parker

An ongoing point of contention in the Republican Party has been the extent to which clear identification with traditional Judeo-Christian values is a good idea.

My sense is that, when we add to the equation the growing impact of non-white voters, standing strongly for these traditional values — which would put Republicans in stark contrast to Democrats — would be a win-win for Republicans.

My organization, CURE, just convened a meeting in Washington, DC, of 25 black pastors from around the country, each with an average congregation size of about 1,000, to discuss ideas and policy.… Continue Reading


Written by Chad Groening

Fiorina is currently in third place in a compilation of polls at RealClearPolitics, trailing Donald Trump and Ben Carson respectively.

Her bump in poll numbers came after the former Hewlett-Packard CEO delivered a strong performance in the September GOP debate, when she challenged Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the undercover Planned Parenthood videos.

Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum claims that Fiorina failed to unseat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer because Republican voters couldn’t find a “stark contrast” between the Republican challenger and the Democrat incumbent.… Continue Reading
