
Written by Aynaz Anni Cyrus

Fourteen years ago my life changed forever as I arrived in the United States, holding tightly to hope and a promise.

That promise was freedom and a dream of a better life.

I entered this beautiful country as a documented immigrant at the age of 18 in August 2002, almost one year after 9/11. After surviving 15 years of oppression under Sharia in Iran, I felt older than my years. I had seen too much and I knew all too well the suffering of those who were subjected to Islam.… Continue Reading

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Written by Paul Eidelberg

We need a politically incorrect and radically new multi-disciplinary and multinational understanding of Islam.

To speak of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the “three Abrahamic faiths” or as the “three religions of the Book,” or, more significantly, as the “three monotheisms,” obscures rather than illuminates. These familiar tropes, says theologian George Weigel, ought to be retired.

The eminent French scholar Alain Besançon agrees. He writes, “The Abraham of Genesis is not the Ibrahim of the Qur’an; Moses is not Moussa.… Continue Reading


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Written by Heather Clark

Some Americans are stating this election that they do not believe that the inauguration of Mitt Romney and the appointment of Republican judges to the bench will result in overturning Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v. Wade and other critical rulings.

“Most Christians don’t have a clue that Republican-appointed judges are making bad rulings that destroy our Christian institutions in our nation,” Pastor Matt Trewhella of Mercy Seat Christian Church near Milwaukee, Wisconsin told Christian News Network.… Continue Reading



Written by Daniel Greenfield

Nation-building has become a very controversial term. And with good reason. Our conviction that we can reconstruct any society into another America is unrealistic. It ignores our own exceptionalism and overlooks the cultural causes of many conflicts. It assumes that a change of government and open elections can transform a tribal Islamic society into America. They can’t and won’t.

But it’s also important to recognize that what we have been doing isn’t nation-building, but Islam-
building.… Continue Reading


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Don’t they know we have Google?

Written by Heather Wilhelm
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Written by Austin Berg

In a 4-3 ruling, the Illinois Supreme Court erased from November ballots a referendum on legislative mapmaking, and handed a major victory to Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan Aug. 25.

In its ruling, the Illinois Supreme Court affirmed the July 20 decision from Cook County Circuit Court Judge Diane Larsen.

This stands as the second time in the last three years that Madigan’s top lawyer, Michael Kasper, has successfully sued to stop mapmaking reform in its tracks.

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Written by Robert Knight

The Rocky Mountain State is known for its purple mountain majesties, as immortalized in “America the Beautiful.”

But If Katharine Lee Bates, who wrote the nation’s unofficial anthem in 1913, were penning her lyrics near Pike’s Peak today, she might be humming “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix.

Colorado is purple all over, from legalizing recreational use of marijuana in 2012 to its role as a crucial swing state.

From the hippie districts of Denver and Boulder to the Christian conclaves in Colorado Springs, there’s something for every persuasion.… Continue Reading


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Written by Jan LaRue

If photo ID laws are the bane to minority voting rights that leftists and assorted federal judges claim, you’d expect the public to agree. Not even close.

Eighty percent of Americans, white and nonwhite across party lines support photo ID laws, according to a Gallup poll taken Aug. 15-16:

  • Nonwhite:       77%
  • Republicans:    93%
  • Independents:  83%
  • Democrats:      63%

Last July, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Texas’ “strict photo ID law” discriminated against or disproportionately affected black and Latino voters who allegedly face hardships in obtaining the necessary documents, which include any of the following:

  • Election identification certificate
  • Dept.
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Written by Daniel Horowitz

Anyone who has worked in immigration policy or has spoken to ranchers and border agents over the years knows that Middle Eastern jihadists have been infiltrating our southern border for quite some time. It wasn’t until today, however, that an intelligence report vouching for this reality was leaked from the U.S. Military’s Southern Command.

The Washington Free Beacon’s Bill Gertz got wind of the intelligence report and solicited an on-the-record comment from a spokesperson for Southern Command:

“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon.

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Socialism: Pipedream and Reality

Written by Robert Knight

Socialism is still in vogue, regardless of its sorry record all over the world for the last century.  The Free Stuff Army is on the march, especially in the United States.

There’s something about deploying the government as a mugger to obtain the fruits of someone else’s labor that appeals to the worst in us.  But it invariably leads to poverty, dishonesty and even tyranny.

Years ago, I visited Jamaica when it was under a socialist government. … Continue Reading
