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Republicans and Democrats agree. For once.

Written by Billy Hallowell

A new Marist Poll found that the majority of Americans — 89 percent — believe protecting religious freedom is an important undertaking, with 57 percent calling it an “immediate priority.”

While Republicans were the most likely (66 percent) to see the issue as one of immediate importance, the poll, which was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus, found that 55 percent of Democrats and 51 percent of Independents agreed. These are intriguing findings, considering the ongoing debate over the balance between gay rights and religious liberty.… Continue Reading



Written by Michael Qazvini

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hit the morning television circuit Thursday to unveil their new bill to defund the United Nations.

Standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling, the two national security-minded lawmakers appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Fox News’ Fox and Friends to detail a plan that would block taxpayer dollars from funding the corrupt international body.

In citing last month’s egregious anti-Israel UN Security Resolutions as a major source of dismay in the senate, they drew a clear ideological line in the sand between the Obama administration and Congress.… Continue Reading


Christians were the most persecuted religious group in the world in 2016, according to a new study conducted by the Center for Studies on New Religions, based in Turin, Italy.

The report said that 90,000 Christians were killed last year, of which 30% were killed by Islamists. The rest were killed by state and non-state persecution around the world, including in North Korea.… Continue Reading


Image result for Donald Trump scott pruitt

Written by E. Calvin Beisner

When President-elect Donald J. Trump nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for Environmental Protection Agency Administrator December 8, environmentalists went ballistic.

They called it “a win for polluters and a loss for the American public,” said “Every American should be appalled,” likened it to “the fox guarding the henhouse,” and called Pruitt a “puppet of the fossil fuel industry.”

E&E News reported, “Environmentalists are preparing for war” and quoted Center for Biological Diversity attorney Bill Snape: “We suspected it would be bad, and it’s bad.… Continue Reading


Image result for college classroom dark

Written by Spencer Irvine

‘White privilege’ is an oft-used term at colleges nowadays, which alleges that white Americans have an internal privilege complex that demeans other ethnicities and races by exerting supremacy. Here are ten examples of anti-white rhetoric on our college campuses:

1.) Cal-Berkeley students prevented white people from crossing a pedestrian bridge on-campus

2.) University of Wisconsin runs into trouble with ‘Problem with Whiteness’ course

3.) Columbia University barred white students from going to a no-whites-allowed student retreat

4.)… Continue Reading


Image result for christians in congress

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

A recent survey found that approximately nine in 10 members in the incoming United States Congress proclaim themselves to be Christian.

According to the latest findings published by the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life division, Christians form the overwhelming majority of the 115th Congress, as 90.7 percent of them identify themselves as Christians.

Congress keeping the faith…

This number, however, has not fluctuated much over the years, as Pew reports that comparing the figures with those of five decades ago, today’s percentage is not that far off.… Continue Reading



Written by Bryan Fischer

By now the nation is fully aware of a heinous crime committed in Chicago against a mentally challenged young man who is white. Four black adults kidnapped him, bound him with duct tape, tortured him for days as he huddled in a corner, made him drink water out of a toilet, and threatened him with a knife which they used to cut his scalp.

He managed to escape and the police found him wandering dazed and traumatized in a T-shirt and shorts in the January cold.… Continue Reading


Written by Michael Brendan Dougherty

Barack Obama came into the White House in a cloud of glory and optimism.

He defined the problems that the nation faced in his first inaugural address. First, the nation was at war with a network of violence and hatred. Second, our economy was badly weakened. Homes were lost, and businesses shuttered. Health care was too expensive. Schools failed their students. And finally, “less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable.”… Continue Reading


Image result for mike smiddy madigan

Written by John Biver

For a number of years now, the Illinois Republican Party has been making Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan the focus of their attacks on our failed state government policies. Madigan has been in office since the early 1970s, and Speaker for all but two years since the early 1980s.

The Illinois Policy Institute’s Joe Tabor and Ted Dabrowski recently penned an extensive over-view of Madigan’s power as Speaker in the article, “Madigan’s rules: How Illinois gives its House speaker power to manipulate and control the legislative process.”… Continue Reading


Image result for lame duck

Written by Bruce Walker

The American presidency has historically been accorded a unique place in national and international politics.  The office combines the head of state with the head of government, which no other major nation has done.  Moreover, we have retained the “Lame Duck” period between national elections, again something that no other major nation has done.  Finally, Congress has granted (I would argue beyond its power to grant) effective quasi-legislative powers to the president through a variety of means.… Continue Reading
