Written by John Biver

Last time we discussed Democratic Party declared gubernatorial candidates Bob Daiber and Chris Kennedy, before that Daniel Biss. Rounding out those formally in the race at this point are Alex Paterakis and Ameya Pawar.

We noted previously that candidate Daniel Biss is young — but he’s not the youngest candidate in the race. That position is held by Alex Paterakis, born in 1987 — and as we go to press he hasn’t seen his 30th birthday yet.… Continue Reading

Latest Articles

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this edition of our weekly podcast, Monte Larrick interviews Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. Eric provides assistance to local pro-life leaders throughout the country in organizing public pro-life witness, earning media coverage, working with police, and confronting abortion providers.

Monte and Eric discuss 2 pieces of legislation in Springfield (see below) as well as a few other pro-life issues, including the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).… Continue Reading

Back on March 1st the Illinois Family Action held a staff meeting and before getting to the business of the day, executive director Dave Smith asked me if I heard that Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan's choice for Mayor of Aurora had lost the previous day.

Written by John Biver

Last time we wrote about Daniel Biss, an Illinois state senator who has declared his candidacy for governor in the Democratic Party’s primary. Today we’ll introduce two more:

  • Bob Daiber of Marine, Illinois, former teacher, current Madison County Regional Superintendent of Schools.
  • Chris Kennedy of Kenilworth, a real estate investor, former Chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees and member of the Kennedy family.

Bob Daiber, 60 years-old, from downstate Marine, Illinois (just east of Edwardsville), entered the race for governor back in February.… Continue Reading


Written by Don Irvine

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe that both online news sources and traditional media outlets are guilty of publishing fake news.

The poll, released Wednesday by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, found that 80 percent of respondents thought that online news sites published fake news either regularly or occasionally. Traditional news outlets fared a little better, with 60 percent of those polled believing that they published fake news, either regularly or occasionally.… Continue Reading


Written by Joseph Curl

CNN makes no bones about being anti-Trump in every way. The cable news channel that many know as the Clinton News Network was all about Hillary throughout the election – and even though Trump trounced her, the network execs have decided to target the president at every turn.

They’ve covered non-stories galore while ignoring huge Hillary scandals. And they absolutely love fact-checking through the use of chyrons, like this and this and this.… Continue Reading


Don’t Put Your Light Under a Basket!

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Whenever I hear Christian leaders talk about the inevitable collapse of the church of America (or elsewhere) I ask myself, “But hasn’t Jesus risen from the dead? Didn’t He ascend to the right hand of the Father? Hasn’t all authority in heaven and earth been given to Him? And aren’t we commanded to go and make disciples in His name and by His authority?”

If so, how then we can speak of any inevitable collapse of the church (or, specifically, of Christian society), regardless of how inevitable that collapse appears to human eyes?… Continue Reading


Written by John Biver

Twenty months is a long time in politics. Like it or not, here in Illinois, that is how long the campaign for governor will be. In November 2018, Illinoisans will once again be going to the polls to elect or re-elect someone to run the executive branch — and that race is already underway. There are five Democrats who have announced their candidacy, and several more are rumored to be considering a run.… Continue Reading



Written by Benjamin Smith

Last week, State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) and State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) introduced legislation to legalize recreational marijuana for anyone 21 years-old or older.  These bills (HB 2353 and SB 316) would not only legalize the sale and use of marijuana (possession limit of 28 grams which makes about 60 joints), but also allows people to grow marijuana in their homes or on property they own.  

That is why this week’s podcast is so very important.  … Continue Reading

Post-modern progressives, contrary to popular belief, are not irreligious. They worship at the altar of government power, lifting the chalice of “diversity” and eating the bread of “tolerance.”

Image result for young people in church

Written by Spencer Irvine

The American Faith and Culture Institute published the results of a survey comparing Millennials and the older demographic of Americans and they are eye-raising:

The Worldview Measurement Project, conducted by the American Culture and Faith Institute, reveals that Millennials are, by far, the generation least likely to possess a biblical worldview. While 16% of those in the Boomer and Builder generations possess such an outlook, and just 7% of Baby Busters have a biblical worldview, only one-quarter as many Millennials have a biblical worldview – just 4%!

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