Business man with lots of cash.

Written by Robert Eno

Most people who pay attention to politics assume that George Soros is the largest financier of leftist election candidates. While he may have the largest non-profit funding network, Soros is not the person who spent the most directly helping candidates through superPACs or other organizations in 2016. That person is Tom Steyer, a former hedge fund executive who made his fortune in the fossil fuel industry. The Washington Post reported Steyer spent $66.3 million helping Democrats in the 2016 cycle, and the Washington Times reports that the final spend was north of $85 million.… Continue Reading

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Morning Consult is out with a fresh batch of approval ratings for all 100 U.S. Senators. Check out the top three most popular senators, as rated by their constituents:
Fresno State University said they will fully cooperate with any federal investigation after a professor posted a series of Twitter messages calling for President Donald Trump to be hanged and for Republicans to be executed.

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Now that we have covered the declared candidates, it’s time to take a look at a few who haven’t yet thrown their hat into the ring. The Wikipedia page on the “Illinois gubernatorial election, 2018” lists more than a dozen “potential” candidates, but for now we’re only going to focus on three...

Written by John Biver

Over the weekend veteran Chicago news reporter Bill Cameron had Pat Brady as a guest on his weekly program and podcast. Yes, that Pat Brady — the disgraced former chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, who was hired by the radical ACLU to convince weak-kneed and malleable Republicans to vote for marriage redefinition in 2013. On Monday, a friend brought it to my attention in an email and asked:

“Why does Bill Cameron go to a disgraced Republican who was chased out as GOP chairman for a supposedly conservative reaction to Donald Trump’s first few months as POTUS?

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Written by John Biver

J. B. Pritzker is a billionaire venture capitalist, philanthropist and attorney from Chicago–and as of a few days ago, he is an announced candidate for governor of Illinois. He is heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune and a guy who can compete with millionaire Chris Kennedy when it comes to campaign dollars. In fact, Pritzker has said that he will self-fund.

Pritzker, 52 years old, is estimated to be worth about $3.4 billion dollars.… Continue Reading


Written by Todd Starnes

In February President Donald Trump made a promise to people of faith across the fruited plain.

“My administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land,” the president said at the National Prayer Breakfast.

When he campaigned for the White House he stated that the “first priority of my administration will be to preserve and protect our religiously liberty.”

“The First Amendment guarantees our right to practice our faith as we see fit…all the time, always, wherever,” he went on to say.… Continue Reading


Written by Carol Ostrow

Even as Gov. Bruce Rauner continues to strive toward a potential state budget solution, House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) “delays and offers nothing,” the Chicago Tribune recently reported while continuing its coverage of Illinois’ hemorrhaging finances.

Editors at the newspaper have bemoaned the probability that the ringing in of the spring legislative session means “still more menacing news to Illinois,” stating that the newest proof of systemic breakdown lies neither in the impotent stopgap spending plan, nor in the recent mass outmigration from the Land of Lincoln, where population losses recently exceeded those of any other state.

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Written by Patrick Moore

It was a breath of fresh air to read Jeff Jacoby’s column on Environmental Protection Agency director Scott Pruitt’s remarks about carbon dioxide, a tiny component of our atmosphere without which life on earth could not exist (“Climate science far from settled,” Opinion, March 15).

As a lifelong ecologist and environmentalist, I have seen much of the environmental movement hijacked for the purpose of alarming us about the future of the climate.… Continue Reading
