It’s high time for us to finally address the most pressing constitutional crisis of our time. Either we wake up and smell the stench from the bench, or we consign our entire future to a judicial oligarchy that has shredded fundamental rights, turned every word of the Constitution upside-down, granted itself more power than God. The judiciary at the height of its constitutional powers has co-equal abilities to interpret the Constitution in the small area of individual cases and controversies with legitimate standing. But now the courts have taken to themselves the powers of gods over our political and social questions.
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In the last article, I listed several reasons for Illinois conservatives to be encouraged. As someone who has paid close attention to the downward trajectory of our state for over twenty years, the items I listed are not small things. I left off at the nationwide good news that President Donald Trump is changing national politics. His example can be followed here in Illinois, a state where a lot of forgotten men and women live and work.
Folly has two loving aunts in Springfield: Illinois Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) of the Steans Family fortune and Illinois Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) leading the push for legal pot in Illinois.
Many eyes instantly glaze over at the mention of “grassroots” level politics. Conservatives who don’t look to government or the political arena for their sustenance, tend to prefer to leave the fray to others. In Illinois, that is a problem. The fiscal and moral mess of our state doesn’t exactly attract the best and brightest into the arena. Yet our can be flipped if those silent conservatives across the state (and yes, even in Chicago) step up and join the fight.
GOP County…what? Conventions? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know about them. The tired old guard Illinois Republican Party establishment didn’t want you hear about the conventions. The attendance of rank-and-file platform-supporting Republicans in this state would not have been good for them and they knew it. In fact, in Cook county the convention was run as a closed-door session where the party rules were not followed -- you can read about one example here.
Dave Smith and Monte Larrick recently interviewed Jo McGuire while she was visiting Illinois warning residents about the many consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana. Jo comes from Colorado, where they have had recreational marijuana since 2013.
With the recent surge at the border, our national security is in grave danger. Because of judicial amnesty and catch-and-release, there is nothing to deter gang members, Middle Eastern terrorists, and drug runners from crossing the border, asserting a credible fear of persecution, and then disappearing indefinitely into our population as they “await” an asylum hearing. This was an egregious act of stolen sovereignty by the Obama administration, and despite the rhetoric to the contrary, Trump’s DHS has not fundamentally changed course.
The fast-food chain's "infiltration" of New York City may be a barometer about religion in America, revealing the nation's growing secularization and an ugly narrow-mindedness. A recent article in The New Yorker demonstrates the Left's anti-Christian bigotry and intolerance. Their contempt for traditional Christianity is blatant and intentional...
On Monday, George Yancy, a black professor of philosophy at Emory University, wrote a lengthy piece in The New York Times detailing the awful death threats he has received from white racists. I can sympathize — throughout 2016, I received my fair share of death threats. But Yancy sees those death threats as representative of a deeper malignancy plaguing all of white America, not a sickness within a subset of the population. Thus, he asks, "Should I Give up on White People?"
Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State's Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.
When Bruce Rauner signed HB 40 and made it legal for the pro-aborts to use your tax dollars to fund the murder of the unborn, several leaders in our General Assembly finally found their voices and condemned Rauner and supported a challenger against him in the primary. As you no doubt know, Rauner has some money, so finally principle sparked defiance, overcoming political expediency.