Written by Bob Unruh
Maybe the White House and the Internal Revenue Service have vastly different definitions of “smidgen.”
After all, in President Obama’s interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly this past Sunday, he said there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” linked to the IRS practice of discriminating against conservative and Christian organizations by delaying their applications for tax-exempt status.
The scandal is one of several plaguing the Obama administration over the last year or so.… Continue Reading

Written by Dan Proft, IllinoisOpportunity.org
This week two Chicago Democrat politicians who are farther out over their skis than Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards ever was (I’ve got Winter Olympics fever) will tell us their version of the state of United States of America, and the state of the State of Illinois.
They will explain to us that with just a few structural tax increases, and a price control or two, we could be living in a modern Utopia not even H.G.… Continue Reading

Written by Doug Ibendahl
There’s a certain long-time best-seller out there which famously claims: “No man can serve two masters . . . Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Assuming that claim is true, Bruce Rauner strikes me as a guy who got in line for mammon, and then went back for seconds.
Full disclaimer here in the interest of not arousing the stable of attorneys Rauner Inc. likely has on retainer. I know absolutely nothing about Mr.… Continue Reading

Written by Richard Hartian
For those of you that think human life is important you may want to take note of significant donations to political candidates from pro-death political action committees (PACs) as in the case of Amanda Mancke who is running to replace State Representative Tom Cross in the Plainfield area.
According to the Illinois State Board of Elections, Ms. Mancke received $2000 from Personal PAC Inc. who’s self proclaimed sole purpose is “To elect pro-choice candidates at state and local level”.… Continue Reading

Written by Matt Barber
In 2010 millions of American tea-party constitutionalists, to include the GOP’s Christian base, united in a remarkable grass-roots effort to rein in our unbridled federal government and return it to its expressly limited constitutional confines. As a result, an unprecedented number of counter-constitutionalist lawmakers (read: liberal Democrats) were swept from office.
The Obama administration wasn’t going to take this lying down. Whether it was by tacit approval or via direct order remains largely immaterial.… Continue Reading

From the IllinoisReview.com blog:
Just as the year end campaign fund drive closed for 2013, Illinois GOP gubernatorial primary candidate Bruce Rauner and his wife Diana each maxed out in the GOP treasurer’s primary race by writing $5300 checks to former House Minority Leader State Rep. Tom Cross (Plainfield).
Cross is successfully pulling in campaign contributions from persons and organizations he’s worked with over the years he headed Illinois’ House Republican Caucus. According to Illinois State Board of Election records, Cross’ GOP primary opponent, DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan, is struggling to gather the funds to set up tough primary competition.
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Hosted By: Will County Tea Party Alliance
Co-Hosted By: Illinois Family Action
Date: January 14, 2014
MODERATOR: WLS Radio Host Dan Proft
Please join our panel at the 2014 Illinois Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Forum. This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates and learn more about their stances on important Illinois issues.
SPONSORS: Will County Republican Organization, Will County Tea Party Alliance, Homer TWP. Republican Organization, New Lenox TWP. Republican Organization, DuPage TWP.… Continue Reading

Written by David E. Smith
An Associated Press report claiming that the challenge to Illinois House incumbents who voted for marriage redefinition has fizzled is utterly misleading. According to our information, eight of the nine Chicago Democrats challenging Democratic incumbents would have voted no or present on SB 10, the same-sex “marriage” legislation sponsored by homosexual State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago).
This is an astounding fact that should not be lost on readers. Not one, not two, not three, but eight pro-marriage Chicago Democrats are challenging Democratic incumbents in the March 18, 2014 primary election.… Continue Reading

From IllinoisReview.com:
Of 20 possible Illinois Senate races next November, challengers for only a few filed for General Election ballot placement. Local parties have the option of appointing candidates, but unless that happens, the 2015 Illinois State Senate is likely to have a very similar appearance with 40 Democrats and 19 Republicans. Thus far, challengers in only five Legislative districts have filed:
- Republican Stefanie Linares is challenging Senate President John Cullerton (D-06)
- The winner of the 24th Senate District’s GOP primary will face Democrat Susan Glowiak
- Republican Don Wilson is challenging Democrat incumbent State Senator Terry Link (D-30)
- Republican Neil Anderson is challenging Democrat incumbent State Senator Mike Jacobs (D-36)
- Republican Linda Little is challenging Democrat incumbent State Senator Andy Mahar (D-48)
Before the November General, four districts show March intra-party primary races – three Democratic and one Republican:
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