Written by David E. Smith
Yesterday afternoon, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) announced that he will mount a bid for president of the United States. The announcement makes Cruz the first Republican to declare candidacy for 2016.
Cruz is a favorite Tea Party members because he has routinely challenged the GOP establishment. He is also a favorite of pro-life advocates and other social conservatives who want political leaders who are willing to uphold the true definition of marriage.… Continue Reading
FOX 32 News Chicago By Dane Placko, Investigative Reporter
A retired doctor who worked for the state for less than five years is now collecting a pension of more than $150,000 per year.
Critics said it’s a perfect example of why Illinois’ pension system is broke. However, the doctor is firing back saying don’t blame the retirees getting the money.
“I feel blessed. I don’t feel as though I’ve milked the system or anything like that,” said Dr.… Continue Reading

Written by David E. Smith
In a sanctimonious and dramatic way, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin recently took to the Senate floor to attack Republicans for holding up the nomination of Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General, saying:
And so, Loretta Lynch, the first African-American woman nominated to be attorney general, is asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar. That is unfair. It’s unjust. It is beneath the decorum and dignity of the United States Senate.
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Written by Michael Gryboski
A previously bipartisan U.S. Senate bill meant to combat human trafficking is now being blocked by Democrats over an abortion funding provision.
Senate Democrats have threatened to block Senate Bill 178 over a provision added by Republicans regarding abortion funding.
“Republicans cast this as a routine extension of the so-called Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortions except in limited circumstances,” reported Fox News.
“But Democrats said the legislation would mark a significant expansion since it applies to personal funds paid in fines.”… Continue Reading

Written by Russ Strewart
“Not Rahm.” “Anybody But Rahm.” “Any Alderman Who Is Not A Stooge For Rahm.” Those were the clear victors in the Feb. 24 municipal election.
Chicago’s heretofore esteemed mayor, Rahm Emanuel, has been absolutely, totally, completely humiliated. His gargantuan ego has shriveled. The scope and size of his rejection is breathtaking.
Chicago has 1,421,430 registered voters and a population of 2,695,598. On Feb. 24 in the nonpartisan mayoral election, 472,126 people voted.… Continue Reading

Written by IllinoisReview.com
Illinois has a history of passing controversial legislation such as tax hikes during the last few hours before a new General Assembly is sworn in.
There’s two obvious reasons leadership uses this tactic: 1. Those members who were not re-elected are able to make votes for which they won’t be accountable to their districts, and 2. When the calendar moves into January, legislation no longer needs super majorities to pass, they go back to requiring simple majorities for bill passage.
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Written by IllinoisReview.com
Former Republican congressman and conservative radio host Joe Walsh says he’s “seriously looking into” a primary challenge to U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk next year. He told Illinois Review he will decide within the next two months.
Citing Kirk’s lack of support for Jim Oberweis’ 2014 challenge to Dick Durbin, Walsh told the Daily Herald: “As far as I’m concerned, he [Kirk] left the Republican Party.”
The usual political pontificators speculate that Walsh is merely looking to boost ratings, and will ultimately not run.… Continue Reading

Written by Chad Groening
Will conservative voters be looking for someone with previous political experience to head the GOP presidential ticket in 2016 – or will they be looking for a fresh face?
In a recent compilation of polls by RealClearPolitics, Jeb Bush – the former Florida governor – continues to be the front runner, with almost 16 and half percent of Republican respondents. But several polls, including one in New Hampshire and one in Iowa, had Bush trailing Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who has substantial momentum coming out his re-election in November.… Continue Reading

Written by David Harsanyi
The governor of Wisconsin was on a trade mission to the United Kingdom. So, naturally, a reporter asked him whether he believed that Moses had ridden atop a Tyrannosaurus Rex to receive the Ten Commandments.
I mean, that’s the point of asking “do you believe in evolution?,” right? Because, surely, the questioner isn’t interested in Scott Walker’s feelings on the successive generational changes in biological populations. And surely, no one really cares what Scott Walker thinks about genetic drift.
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