Written by Chris Pandolfo
“Let me ask you some questions,” Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin said Monday evening on the radio.
Everywhere you look in this country, progressivism put into practice through big government is failing. Yet the progressive Democrats continue to institute their policies, and Republicans seem complicit in the growth of government. “How do we explain all this?” Levin asked. “What is this all about?”
Levin embarked on in an in-depth discussion of the roots of progressivism and of the rejection of the political theory of the American founding by progressives in both the Republican and Democratic parties.
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Written by Elliott Hamilton
Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) of Illinois believes that his state is on the verge of “banana republic territory” because the state faces an imminent financial crisis. As described in a story published by The Fiscal Times on June 12:
Last week, the state marked the second full year in which Gov. Bruce Rauner and a combative Democratic legislature were unable to agree on a new operating budget. The state Senate the week before rejected a House-passed budget measure premised on a $7 billion revenue shortfall after Rauner threatened to veto it.
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Written by John Biver
The news headlines these days should destroy forever the use of the cliché “it can’t get any worse” when the topic is Illinois politics – and that includes Republican, Democrat, fiscal, etc.
The first question in the above headline is from a very unsurprising CBS News report about just how bad things are in Illinois. A few excerpts from the article:
A financial crunch is spiraling into a serious problem for Illinois lawmakers, prompting some observers to wonder if the state might make history by becoming the first to go bankrupt.
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Written by Robert Verbuggen
The center-right American Enterprise Institute and the center-left Brookings Institution have a new report about paid parental leave. The members of their working group disagreed about much, but they were able to put forward a compromise plan. In this plan, new mothers and fathers would be able to take eight weeks off, with 70 percent of their usual compensation paid to them by the government, up to $600 per week. The program would be funded by a small payroll tax on all workers.… Continue Reading
Written by Edmund Kozak
On April 15, a pro-Trump, pro-free-speech rally at University of California, Berkeley, descended into violent mayhem after radical far-leftists — members of the organization Antifa — began to attack the peacefully assembled crowd.
Antifa, which stands for “anti-fascist action,” is a network of loosely affiliated far-left anarchist and communist groups that orchestrate violent protests and attacks on populists, conservatives, and anyone else its members deem to be “fascists” or “Nazis.”
“Anyone who tries to hold any sort of right-wing event literally gets beat up by militant communists in the street.”
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Written by Benjamin Smith
On this edition of Spotlight, Dave is joined by Kathy Valente, the Director of Operations at IFI, Florence Hubbs, and Lisa Ridinger. They discuss how the transgender agenda has invaded bathrooms and locker rooms of government schools, Target stores, Planet Fitness as well as the Illinois Legislature. HB 1785 would allow people to change their gender on their birth certificates.
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Newly-elected DNC chairman Tom Perez and Deputy chairman U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison
Written by Michael F. Haverluck
After falling only one vote short on the first ballot, Tom Perez was able to secure his victory in the second round of voting and expressed his optimism for the Democratic Party shortly after the news broke.
“We are at a turning point for our party and for all Americans,” Perez announced, according to Townhall. “By getting back to basics, we can turn the Democratic Party around, take the fight to [President] Donald Trump, and win elections from school board to the Senate.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Alan Dershowitz, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Communist Party, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno, Keith Ellison, Tom Perez
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
February 27, 2017 9:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor
I’ve been getting emails from bewildered colleagues asking about a survey of presidential scholars that determined that Barack Obama is the 12th best president in the history of the United States, putting him near the top quartile of our presidents.
How can this be? I, too, was mystified, especially given that I participated in the survey.
The survey was conducted by the impeccably fair C-SPAN. Few sources do their job like C-SPAN does.… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
Anarchy takes many forms.
There is street violence, like that at the University of California at Berkeley last Wednesday, a microcosm of the anti-Trump rioting all over the country.
A mob protesting a planned speech by Breitbart writer and self-styled iconoclast Milo Yiannopoulos turned ugly as 1,500 gathered. Some were coaxed there by Occupy Oakland, whose website called for people to “Shut Down Milo at UC Berkeley.”
Some protesters wore black, used paramilitary tactics, threw bricks and fireworks at police, committed vandalism, and started a fire. … Continue Reading