Category: Federal Elections

Presidential Candidates Vie for Evangelical Votes at Texas Megachurch’s Sold-Out Pre-Election Forum


Written by Michael Gryboski

Presidential candidates seeking the Evangelical vote will be speaking to a sold-out crowd of 7,000 potential voters at a Texas megachurch in mid-October.

Sen.Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Sen. Rick Santorum and Carly Fiorina have already confirmed their attendance and will be expounding on their views to attract support from this coveted interest group during the Oct. 18 forum, sponsored by Prestonwood Baptist Church and the Faith & Freedom Coalition at the congregation’s Plano campus.

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U.S. Senators Cruz & Lee Work To Defund Planned Parenthood & Stall Iran Nuclear Deal

Cruz speech

Written by Red Dawn

You know, even though a couple of people have dropped out of the presidential race, we still have a crazy number of candidates. (Especially compared to the Democrats.)

Hopefully, we’re at the point where candidates focus more on what sets them apart instead of taking cheap shots at each other.

I like it when candidates get specific and tell us what makes them different. Cruz is really good at that. There’s a reason he’s the only politician in the race considered an “outsider.”… Continue Reading

In Which Ted Cruz Whiffs One


Written by Douglas Wilson

As I have noted before, I like Ted Cruz. His general outlook is the kind of conservatism that I want to see in the White House, and I wish him well. But he whiffed this one.

As you may have seen, Ben Carson was asked if he could support a Muslim in the presidency. He said, no, absolutely not. Forget about it. He was then asked if he could support a Muslim in Congress.… Continue Reading

Carson’s Right — Islam is Incompatible with the Constitution


Written by Daniel John Sobieski

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, Dr. Ben Carson was asked if a president’s religious beliefs mattered. He said they did, and, when pressed on the issue, said no Muslim should be President of the United States (insert Obama joke here) and that in fact Islam is in conflict with the U.S. Constitution:

Chuck Todd: Should a president’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?

Ben Carson: Well I guess it depends on what that faith is.

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The 2016 Campaign for President and the Info War About the U.S. Constitution

Written by John Biver

Over the course of the past few months I gathered articles about the question of “judicial supremacy” — are U.S. Supreme Court decisions “the law of the land,” or are they rulings on cases?

Here is that page of excerpts, quotes, and links: Judicial Supremacy: Not in the U.S. Constitution, Not the Intention of the Founding Fathers.

Republicans and conservatives rarely even attempt to disseminate information about the U.S. Constitution to the uninformed and misinformed.… Continue Reading

Trump’s Star Predicted to Fade


Written by Chad Groening

Tom Pauken, former chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, predicts that Donald Trump will go the GOP convention with “a lot of votes,” but Pauken is unsure it will be enough to “lock up” the nomination.

“I still believe that you’re going to see an alternative to Trump,” he tells OneNewsNow.

Trump, 69, is still enjoying a comfortable lead in the crowded field of GOP candidates. RealClearPolitics shows Trump with a 12-point lead in an “RCP average” of six polls.… Continue Reading

Highly Religious Republicans Don’t Like Trump


Written by Frank Newport

Late in August New York Times columnist Frank Bruni expressed puzzlement over what he cited as Donald Trump‘s high level of support among evangelical Republicans. A piece this week in The Christian Post similarly, albeit from a different perspective, ponders why Trump is “receiving so much support from evangelicals.” CNN carried a recent report on the battle for evangelical voters between Trump and Ben Carson. A recent report in The Wall Street Journal indicatedthat Donald Trump plans on meeting with evangelical leaders later in September in his office.… Continue Reading

Carson Winning Evangelicals, Trump Most Loved and Most Hated, Iowa Poll Says


Written by Michael Gryboski

Dr. Ben Carson is winning among white Evangelicals, and celebrity billionaire Donald Trump is both the most loved and unloved candidate in Iowa, according to the most recent Iowa poll on the Republican presidential race.

In a survey of 1,038 likely Iowa Republican Caucus participants conducted by Quinnipiac University, 27 percent of respondents voiced support for the billionaire businessman and reality TV star, placing him at number one among the crowded GOP field.… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Challenges Boehner and McConnell: Stop the Iran Deal


Written by Joel Gehrke

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) provided air support for a revolt underway in the House today, as he called on Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to stop the Iran deal by refusing to hold a vote on the agreement.

Cruz’s mention of GOP leadership drew boos at Wednesday’s rally against the Iran deal on Capitol Hill, which he helped organize. “Hold on: I come not to bury Caesar but to praise him,” Cruz said, quoting from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.… Continue Reading

Christians & The Law

Kim Davis

Written by Gary Bauer

I am pleased to report that Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis has been released from jail. But I have been very disappointed by the parade of leading Republicans — Donald Trump, Governor Jeb Bush, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Chris Christie and others — who are distancing themselves from Davis.

This sorry episode is yet another example of our side playing by one set of rules while the other side plays by its own.… Continue Reading