Category: Political

Time For ‘Never Trumpers’ to Admit They Were Wrong About Donald Trump

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In 2016, I was adamantly opposed to President Trump. When he spoke at events I attended, I did not applaud. When others stood in line to take pictures with him, I refused to do the same. I was indignant, self-righteous and smug when I was with peers who supported him.

When a small cadre of Catholic and evangelical “thought leaders” and I were invited to meet with him to present our concerns, I was curt and blunt.… Continue Reading

Cultural Cataclysm & Advancing the Truth

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight highlights Pastor Douglas Wilson’s remarks given at the 2015 Illinois Family Banquet.

Pastor Douglas Wilson preaches at Christ Church in Moscow, ID, and is senior fellow of theology at New Saint Andrews College. He is a prolific author of many books and his blog,, is home to his witty and rapier thoughts on culture, the church at large, and politics.

In his speech, Pastor Wilson challenges Christians to fight for biblical sanity and morality.… Continue Reading

“Give your Great God, Great Glory.”

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

January 20, 2025, marked the 60th Inauguration Ceremony of an American President.

At this Inauguration, President Trump made history by becoming the second President in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms. The other President was Grover Cleveland, who served as America’s twenty-second and twenty-fourth Presidents near the end of the nineteenth century.

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, of 180 Church in Detroit, Michigan, delivered the concluding benediction at this historic inauguration.… Continue Reading

A Postmortem on the Biden Administration

Written by Peter Heck

It’s over. Thank God that is the case, even if he doesn’t know it…

After four of the most predictably bizarre years in the history of the American republic, [we mark] the end of the Joe Biden interlude. I use that term only because I think it’s fair to say that despite all the rhetoric and pretense, all the bombast of a “return to normalcy” that surrounded his campaign and election, the presidency itself was aimless and directionless, amounting to little more than an often-humiliating display of vengeful incompetence.… Continue Reading

Illinois House Minority Leader Shuts Out Conservative Voices

Springfield, IL – Despite public comments to the contrary, Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie has telegraphed her unwillingness to heal the fractured Illinois Republican Party by rejecting serious efforts from the Illinois Freedom Caucus to promote party unity.

During a recent exchange, Representative McCombie declared her unwillingness to accommodate or collaborate with this influential conservative wing and has even refused to give the Illinois Freedom Caucus a voice in the decision-making process.

The Illinois Freedom Caucus, which represents a substantial contingent of principled conservatives across the state, champions fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, and accountability in government.… Continue Reading

Thomas More Society Petitions President Trump to Pardon 21 Pro-Lifers Targeted by Biden DOJ

Thomas More Society Attorneys Provide
Pardon Request Package to Incoming Trump Administration

On January 14, 2025, Thomas More Society attorneys submitted to the incoming Trump administration formal requests for presidential pardons on behalf of 21 pro-life advocates who have been unjustly prosecuted, convicted, and in several cases, imprisoned, by the Biden Department of Justice.

In their letter submitted to President Donald J. Trump, Thomas More Society attorneys

“urge that these pro-life Americans are deserving of full and unconditional pardons.”

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Open Letter to Leftists: “You Need to Fix The Pain You’ve Caused”

Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson


An Open Letter to Leftist Leaders:

“You need to fix the pain you’ve caused…”

We won. In a big way we won, and there are lessons to be learned in that fact, but I am not going to labor the point now. What I will point out is that there are millions of people who have been profoundly affected by this election cycle and the nation is not merely divided; people are bitterly angry at one another, and worse.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Election Breakdown

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This special episode of Spotlight features IFI’s David Smith and Monte Larrick as they break down the results of the 2024 election.

Specifically, they will focus on Trump’s policy changes and the state of Illinois– Governor Pritzker’s promise to make Illinois “Trump proof” and how Christians can stay encouraged while living in a very blue state.

“The fact is… the Democratic Party left its base and abandoned middle class workers in America and have embraced and have become the party of college educated elite.”

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Harris Victory Would Have Spawned a One-Party Central Government

Written by Robert Knight

Last Tuesday felt a lot like 2020, when counting stopped in the wee hours and Democratic nominee Joe Biden pulled miraculously ahead.

By midnight this time, only North Carolina had been called for Republican Donald Trump, and the other six battleground states were too early to call. What? The rest of the country’s vote had pretty much been counted.

Despite the dread, there was a palpable feeling that things would be different, that this election would be, as Mr. … Continue Reading

Trump Will Be Our 47th President

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Tuesday, we did it. We elected Donald Trump.

A friend sent me a note on social media this past Wednesday morning: “Well, he did it!”

That was all it said: He did it.

Indeed, he did.

On Tuesday night, after months of shaking his fist in the face of big government, Big Pharma and the Beltway oligarchs who were  threatening his life, liberty and property, Donald Trump became the president-elect.… Continue Reading