Written by Michael Warren
The unraveling of Nightly News anchor Brian Williams‘s accounts of his reporting in Iraq and Katrina-ravaged New Orleans has become a black mark on NBC News’s reputation. A detailed account in Thursday’s Washington Post of the decision to suspend Williams for six months without pay appears to demonstrate how seriously the Peacock Network has taken the newsman’s transgression—NBC Universal’s CEO Steve Burke even considered firing Williams outright.
Here’s how the Post describes it, citing anonymous NBC officials:
The suspension was the culmination of a long period of internal concerns.
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Tags: Brian Williams, David Folkenflik, Deborah Turness, Edward Snowden, Iraq, Katrina, NBC, NBC News, New Orleans, Steve Burke, Tom Brokaw
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
February 13, 2015 10:00 AM |
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Written by Raymond Ibrahim
Two events recently transpired that forced mainstream media to address a question they habitually dodge: Is Islam intrinsically violent? First, on New Year’s Day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi — a world leader, and a Muslim — did the unthinkable when he publicly asserted that Islamic texts and thinking have made the Muslim world a scourge to humanity. The MSM ignored it until, as if to prove his point, Muslim gunmen shouting “Allahu Akbar” killed a dozen people in offices of a satirical newspaper in Paris.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael F. Haverluck
With the dozen Muslim killings fresh on the news, the self-proclaimed liberal addressed the massacre to the audience for what he believes it truly was: a jihadist attack by merciless Islamic terrorists on infidels for dishonoring their religion’s founder and prophet.
“It’s not a presume [sic] — no, no it’s Muslim terrorists,” Maher told Kimmel and his studio audience on ABC. “This happens way too frequently. It’s like … Groundhog Day, except the groundhog kept getting his head cut off.”… Continue Reading

Written by Cliff Kincaid
Steve Malzberg of Newsmax TV calls people like CNN’s Margaret Hoover “phony Republicans” or RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). I prefer the term “fake conservatives.” Whatever we call them, the effect is still the same. By spouting liberal nonsense, they misrepresent the views of most Republicans or conservatives. Hoover joined her fellow CNN panelists in a “Hands up, don’t shoot” display based on the fiction that thug Michael Brown was surrendering to the police when he was shot.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael Medved
The media frenzy about a purported race “crisis” due to white cops killing young black males ignores basic facts. There is no evidence at all of a dramatic surge in police violence against blacks: Justice Department numbers show a steady average of less than 100 such deaths per year.
Of course, every unnecessary loss is a tragedy, but the obsessive focus on deadly confrontations between African-Americans and police creates fear and hostility that only make other confrontations more likely.… Continue Reading
Written by Curtis Houck
On Wednesday night, ABC became the only major broadcast network to not have covered the controversy over President Obama’s choice to name former soap opera producer and Obama reelection campaign bundler Colleen Bell the new United States Ambassador to Hungary.
The network’s zero coverage of this story came more than a day after ABC’s own chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, grilled White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on what exactly did Bell have in terms of qualifications for the job (to which Earnest was visibly stumped). … Continue Reading
Tags: ABC, Andrea Mitchell, Barack Obama, Brian Williams, Colleen Bell, Democrats, Europe, Foreign Policy, Good Morning America, Jonathan Karl, Josh Earnest, Leftists, Media Bias, NBC Nightly News, President Barack Obama, President Obama, World News NBC
Federal Issues, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
December 4, 2014 1:00 PM |
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Written by Don Irvine
There may be many in the mainstream media who are looking forward to a presidential run by Hillary Clinton, but the far-left media, which has never been crazy about Hillary, is actively seeking someone else to become the Democratic Party standard bearer in 2016, according to Politico’s Maggie Haberman and Hadas Gold.
The anti-Clinton drumbeat from the left includes Mic.com, a relatively new website aimed at progressive millennials, and left-wing magazines In These Times and The Nation.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Hadas Gold, Hillary Clinton, In These Times, Jim Webb, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Maggie Haberman, Martin O’Malley, Politico, The Nation, Washington Post
Federal Issues, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
November 17, 2014 9:08 AM |
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Written by Roger Aronoff
A new ad put out by the left-wing Advocacy Project seeks to link Republican budget cuts with the spread of the Ebola virus, a shameful fear tactic that could take hold among a populace rightfully concerned about this epidemic. While media organizations such as Time Magazine and Real Clear Politics have reported on the existence of the video, all they did was cite the ad, not challenge the veracity of its information.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bobby Jindal, Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Francis Collins, Erica Payne, Glenn Kessler, Hillary Clinton, Joy Reid, National Institutes of Health, New York Times, Sheri Fink, World Health Organization
Illinois Politics, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 22, 2014 5:00 AM |
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Written by Don Irvine
President Barack Obama, who has seen his relationship with the press grow more adversarial as his administration has become engulfed in scandals and cover-ups, lashed out at the media for spreading cynicism.
Obama was speaking at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York City on Tuesday when he made his comments on the press:
Too much is at stake. The issues I’m fighting for, the issues that I will continue to fight for even after I leave this office, those issues are at stake.
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There’s a reason so many states didn't create their own health exchanges.
Written by Michael Barone
Earlier this week, I was thinking of writing a column about the lying and duplicity of Obamacare backers who argued that the difference between providing subsidies in states with state-run health exchanges and providing no subsidies in states with federal exchanges resulted from inadvertence or a typographical error.
Typical among them was MIT health-care expert Jonathan Gruber. The folks at the Competitive Enterprise Institute found video of him in 2012 arguing that all or most states would create their own exchanges because they wouldn’t get subsidies if they let the federal government run their exchanges.… Continue Reading